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If you did not help everyone and did not talk to him before:

Isabeau: Do I need help with anything... Um...

Isabeau: ...

Isabeau: Well... Maybe, kind of, but...

Isabeau: Hmmmmmmmmmmmm... (wave effect)

(It seems serious... Does he have a big problem he needs help with?)

(You steel yourself.)


Isabeau: ...

Isabeau: Okay, well...

Isabeau: I'd rather you ask everyone else if they need help, first. Mine might take some time.

(Huh... A task so long it might take a long time?)

(It must be really important to him.)

(You nod seriously.)

If you completed the friendquest before:

(Time to see what's the best place to look at the stars, maybe...?)

(You nod.)

If you completed the friendquest before:


(You nod.)

Isabeau: Heh, so serious!

Isabeau: So, um, yeah! Make sure to help everyone and do whatever you need to do, first!

If you talked to him before:

Isabeau: Hm, you haven't helped everyone yet, right?

Isabeau: I'd rather wait until you're done!

(Sounds like you'd better help everyone else in the same loop first.)

If you helped everyone:

Siffrin: Hey, I finished helping everyone out.

If you helped everyone and did not talk to him before:

Isabeau: Huh? Oh, that's cool!

Isabeau: I did see you running around with everyone earlier. It looked like fun...


(That's right, you didn't ask him if he needed any help, this loop...)


  • So, do you need help with anything?

Siffrin: So, do you need help with anything?

Isabeau: Help?

Isabeau: Oh! Oh, oh, oh! Yes, I do need help with something, now that I'm thinking about it!!!

Isabeau: Is that what you were doing today? Helping everyone out? I didn't know!

  • I kept the best one for last.

Siffrin: I kept the best one for last.

Isabeau: AW, SIF..........................

Isabeau: I-I'm glad!!!

Isabeau: I was just thinking I wanted to hang out with you today, since I saw you running around with everyone.

Isabeau: But you didn't talk to me much today, so I was, um, worried you... Didn't want to...

Isabeau: I-It doesn't matter! I'm glad I thought about what we could do today, then!!!

If you helped everyone and talked to him before:

Isabeau: You did? You did!

Isabeau: Heh, I saw you run around with everyone today, which made me very jealous.

Isabeau: So I'm glad I get to spend time with you!

Isabeau: ...Um, are you ready now?

Isabeau: We'll probably have to go to the Clocktower immediately after we're done, so I don’t think you'll have time to do anything in the village after...

Isabeau: So I wanna make sure you did everything you needed to...?

(Hang out with Isabeau now?)

  • I'm ready now!
  • Give me a second...

Siffrin: I'm ready now!

Isabeau: Heh, okay! Well, um...

Isabeau: Follow me, Sif!!!

If you've completed the friendquest before:

(Zone out?)

  • (Yes.)
  • (No.) ‎ ‎ ‎

Siffrin: Give me a second...

Isabeau: Sure, Sif! In the meantime, I'll let you do your thing here, and I'll wait for you North of Dormont, okay?

( Start of IsaQuestevent

(000_sounds_cicadas SFX)

(You follow Isabeau around for a while... Going through Dormont, then the forest, until...)

(Isabeau leads the way.)

(0_bump SFX)

(A field...?)

(There's nothing around...)

(What could he possibly need?)

In later hangouts:

(The field again.)

(He must've spent some time looking for a good spot to see the stars...)

(Your throat tightens.)

  • So, what do you need me to do?

Siffrin: So, what do you need me to do?

Isabeau: Huh? Oh, um...

Isabeau: ...Lay down with me?

(0_bump SFX)


(You lay down.)

  • And then?

Siffrin: And then?

Isabeau:: And then...

Isabeau:: Look up!

(You look up.)

(Stars, stars, stars, all around you.)

(You inhale sharply.)

In later hangouts:

(You still can't get over that view.)

(You want to crush them all.)

Isabeau: Y'know, when you asked me if I needed help earlier, I wasn't sure what to say!

Isabeau: I don't really need help with anything... And I did all I needed to prepare for tomorrow and stuff.

Isabeau: But I saw you run around and help everyone today, and that seemed kinda fun! And so, I thought...

Isabeau: Sif's making sure to help everyone today, but I just want to hang out with him!!!

Isabeau: And so, um, that's it! That's all I want you to do today! Let's just hang!!!



In later hangouts:


(On what he thinks is his last day on Earth, he just wanted to spend some time with you.)


(Say the line.)


  • Why stars?

Siffrin: Why stars?

Isabeau: Oh!

Isabeau: Um.

Isabeau: So, you know how you say this word, when you're annoyed or something bad happens?

Isabeau: I don't know what language it is, but I always thought it was like a swear word? Like crab?

Isabeau: And I looked in a few books, but I couldn't find the word anywhere, and I got really curious...

Isabeau: And one day, I heard someone else say it! So I asked them, and they said it means stars!

Isabeau: And I noticed you know stuff about the sky! You talked about planets once, and the sun, like you really knew what you were talking about.

Isabeau: And sometimes, when we slept outside, you'd spend most of the night looking at the night sky.

Isabeau: And I thought that was interesting, because I never thought about what's up there before! But, um...

Isabeau: So I thought maybe, um, like, you'd like, to see the stars? Together? O-or just in general!


In later hangouts:

(How perceptive, Isabeau!)

(You want to cry.)

(The stars won't listen.)

(You can't say anything now, even if you wanted to.)

  • ...

Siffrin: ...

Isabeau: Oh no, was I wrong??? Was it really more of an actual swear word like crab, where you don't actually like stars and stars are bad and gross??? Did I step in it??? Did I mess up???

  • ...

Siffrin: ...

  • ...No, you didn't step in it.

Siffrin: ...No, you didn't step in it.

Isabeau: Oh, phew! I got scared, heheh.

Isabeau: Anyway, I've heard some people can see stuff in the stars, sometimes! Like, pictures!

Isabeau: They're called... Conste-something?

  • Constellations.

Siffrin: Constellations.

Isabeau: Constellations!!! (wave effect)

Isabeau: Yes, that! Do you know some?

(You look up at the stars.)

(You don't recognize any of them.)

In later hangouts:

(Try as you might, you only see dots.)

(You've forgotten them all.)

  • No, I don't know any.

Siffrin: No, I don't know any.

Isabeau: Huh.

Isabeau: ...You're saying I didn't step in it, but...

Isabeau: Sif....

(Change the subject.)

  • No, no, you're fine, hahaha!

Siffrin: No, no, you're fine, hahaha!

  • Tell me something?

Siffrin: Tell me something?

Isabeau: Something?

  • Something about you.

Siffrin: Something about you.

Isabeau: Oh, okay! Um...

Isabeau: ....

Isabeau: Well, okay, you know I'm from Jouvente, right?

Isabeau: I've lived there my whooooole life!

Isabeau: It's a nice, big city. More than one House, too. Waaaaay bigger than Dormont.

Isabeau: Big enough that you don't know the life story of every person you see, haha.

Isabeau: ...Anyway, you might think it's surprising, I dunno...

Isabeau: But when I was Bonnie's age, I was like, the SMARTEST smarty pants around.

Isabeau: Not like, slightly smart, or anything...

Isabeau: But like, the NERDIEST kid you can imagine.


(You have trouble imagining Isabeau as anything other than the boisterous man he is.)

In later hangouts:

(Now that you know this about him, you do notice it more.)

(He sometimes knows things even Odile doesn't know.)


Isabeau: Heh, like, really imagine it!

Isabeau: Big glasses. Super neat braids. Always knows the answer to any question the teacher has. Always getting perfect grades.

Isabeau: Always too shy and focused on grades to even know how to make a friend in the playground.

Isabeau: That was me! (wave effect)

Isabeau: And, um, I didn't really like myself.

Isabeau: 'Cuz, like! I was smart, but... I really hated being shy. Being alone. Not even able to ask a classmate for a pen, because I was so paralyzed by fear.

Isabeau: And I was ready to spend the rest of my life like this.

Isabeau: But one day, after years of living like this, I looked at myself, and the way I was, the way I existed in this world...

Isabeau: I looked at that kid in the mirror, and I thought...

Isabeau: Is this it?

Isabeau: Is this really who I want to be?

Isabeau: Couldn't I just be someone else? Someone that can make friends, someone people could love? Someone I could love?

Isabeau: Someone I wouldn't feel ashamed of being?

Isabeau: Couldn't I just... Change?

Isabeau: And, that's one of the things people go to Houses for, you know? To learn things, to train, to do Body Craft on yourself...

Isabeau: To Change!

Isabeau: And you can stay for a bit, and come back Changed, and no one would say a thing. They'd just accept the new person you've become.

Isabeau: So I went to one of Jouvente's Houses and threw myself into it! Trying to be the coolest, strongest, most dependable person around!

Isabeau: Lifting weights! Training my voice to be deeper, louder! Crafting my own body to be cooler, stronger!

Isabeau: Looking at myself in the mirror every morning and yelling I'm the coolest!!!

Isabeau: ...Change is destruction, you know?

Isabeau: To bring about Change, you need to know you might hurt people. Might hurt yourself, even.

Isabeau: So you always have to be careful, and think about whether the destruction you bring about is worth it.

Isabeau: I decided it was.

Isabeau: So, the person I was before...

Isabeau: I made them disappear.

Isabeau: Killed them with my bare hands.

Isabeau: Made sure they'd never, ever come back.

Isabeau: So I could live.

Isabeau: ...

Isabeau: Ah, it sounds so bad, when I say it like that!!!

Isabeau: The kid I was before is still here! I just, hm, grew around them? To protect them?

Isabeau: Building an armor, until it becomes the real thing?

Isabeau: So I could become someone strong, someone outgoing... Someone comforting to be around.

Isabeau: Someone I would've liked to know, before.

Isabeau: ....

Isabeau: Meh. It doesn't matter that much.

Isabeau: I'm here, is what I mean! And I love myself so much more now that I did before!

Isabeau: But even the person I'm now is a work in progress. I want to Change, still.

Isabeau: I became a big and strong and dependable, happy-go-lucky dude, because that's who I needed to be.

Isabeau: But lately, I've been feeling like I need... To let down the airhead facade a bit? Act less stupid, that sort of stuff.

Isabeau: It doesn't feel great, when people think I'm stupid, just because I act a certain way.

Isabeau: So I might Change again soon! And become someone slightly new!

Isabeau: That sounds cool, right?


(You never knew.)

(Isabeau wanted to change, to become someone else, and he did it.)

(He must've worked for so long, to make his wish come true...)

In later hangouts:

(Crafting himself into a new person.)

(His wish came true.)

(You're not the only one acting in this play, are you?)


Isabeau:: Heh... I might change to be a mix between a jock and a nerd.

Isabeau:: Balancing it all, you know?

(Heh.) Replaced in later hangouts: (...)

  • So, you'll change into a jerd?
  • So, you'll change into a nock?

Siffrin: So, you'll change into a jerd?

Isabeau:: More like a nock! Sounds better, doesn't it? Better mouth feel.

Siffrin: So, you'll change into a nock?

Isabeau: More like a jerd! Sounds better, doesn't it? Better mouth feel.

  • They both sound bad, Isa.

Siffrin: They both sound bad, Isa.

Isabeau: Nooooo, don't say that! Hahaha!!!

  • You can be a smart jock.
  • You can be a buff nerd.

Siffrin: You can be a smart jock.

Isabeau: A smart jock... How avant-garde, right?

Siffrin: You can be a buff nerd.

Isabeau: Oh.

Isabeau: ...

Isabeau: ...You think I'm buff?

Siffrin: (You quickly look away from him.)

Isabeau: ...

(You pointedly do not look at his arms.)

Isabeau: ...

(You do not avert your gaze.)

(There's a silence.)

Isabeau: ...Huh.

(You both blink.)

Isabeau: A-Anyway, after we beat the King tomorrow, and go our separate ways, I'll just change into someone else!

Isabeau: Someone who can be both strong AND smart!

Isabeau: Both at once!!! What a concept!!! Doesn't that sound like someone cool?

Isabeau: Doesn't that feel like someone you wouldn't feel ashamed of knowing?

(Is that what he thinks...?)

In later hangouts:


(You feel disgusting just looking at him, now.)

(Why did you have to do that?)

(Why do you have to take advantage of his feelings for you, every time?)

(He only loves you because you're forcing him to love you.)

(If he knew you, if he knew what you've become, he would hate you.)

(Even now, you'll say the same line, won't you?)

(It's all about making him happy, making him think you're perfect for him.)

(You're disgusting, Siffrin.)

(Follow the blinding script.)

In later hangouts if you haven't done Bad Touch and you are NOT in Act 3:

(You don't understand why he'd think you'd ever feel ashamed of knowing him.)

(Doesn't he know that you wouldn't be who you are without him?)


(You want to tell him.)

(You want to tell him that he brought laughter into your life, before all this.)

(That you learned puns and jokes to make him laugh.)

(That you didn't know how to describe yourself, you didn't know who you even were, until you said a bad pun once and he laughed so hard you thought he was going to pass out.)

(That even now, you wouldn't trade this half-life for anything else.)

(You want to hold his hand.)

(You grip the grass under your palm.)

  • Isa...

Siffrin: Isa...

Isabeau: ...Yeah, Sif?

  • I have never felt ashamed of knowing you.

Siffrin: I have never felt ashamed of knowing you.

  • Not even a little bit.

Siffrin: Not even a little bit.

Isabeau: ...

Isabeau: Heh, you're gonna make me blush, Sif...!

Isabeau: And, well... You know I feel the same, right? You're like, maybe the coolest person I know... You know that, right?

Isabeau: And I really like spending time with you! When we hang out, I always discover new things, like cool theater stuff, or even just something new about you,

Isabeau: And I like how you always have a pun ready for any situation,

Isabeau: How you breathe in this specific way sometimes, and I wish I could breathe with you to make you feel better,

Isabeau: And I like the way your face looks when you eat your favorite foods,

Isabeau: And I want to know more about you,

Isabeau: Talk with you more,

Isabeau: Laugh with you more,

Isabeau: And... And I...

Isabeau: ...

(You can't look away from him.)

In later hangouts:

(You look away.)

(You hold your breath.)

(You wait.)

Isabeau: I...

Isabeau: ...

Isabeau: W-Woah, is that a shooting star?! Hey, look up! I-Isn't it cool?

(You look away from him, and look up at the starry sky.)

(There's no shooting star.)

(But you don't mind.)

In later hangouts:

(You look up.)

(Nothing to wish to.)

(You want to keep looking at him, but that's not what the script demands.)

(Pulling your gaze away from him, you look up at the starry sky.)

(You haven't seen a shooting star in years.)

friendquest end

Bonnie: AhHAH!!! See, I told you they'd be here!!!

event_friendhangout starts