To-Do List

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See also: Stubs

The following is a public list of tasks to be tackled for the wiki's progress. This list can be edited by anyone, so anyone may add new tasks to it and remove completed ones.

This list does not claim to be comprehensive nor accurate. Some tasks may have already been completed, or some tasks that require completion may not be featured on this list.

Even if it is not on the list, if you want to add something to the wiki, please do so. This list merely serves as an overview.


See also: Wanted Pages

Lore pages

The wiki is severely lacking in pages compiling gameplay unrelated information. Possible topics include:

Pages in this section should extensively feature references.

Location pages

Practically all locations named in the game either do not have pages or only have stubs. Information on a location should include:

  • Geographical information
  • Culture
  • Appearance in the game
  • Associated characters

Pages include:

Current consensus is that rooms should receive individual pages (textless hallways excluded), yet now some confusion arrises on how to name them.

A list of rooms is as follows [text in brackets is not part of the name, just used to make rooms more identifiable]:


  • DORMONT [Dormont Center]
    • Shop
    • Library
    • House_FrozenWife [Cool Jeweler]
    • House_Novels [Castle-loving One]
    • House_Change [Stylish One's house]
    • House_Boulangerie
  • Village_E [Dormont East]
    • House_Flowers [Flower-giving One]
    • House_Cook [Beautiful One]
    • House_Storage [Long Thingy-Thing]
  • Village N [Dormont North]
  • Village Tree (LOOP)

Floor 1

  • Entrance
    • TutoMonsterHallway [First Sadness]
    • MonsterHallway [Second and third Sadness]
  • FLOOR 1, START [Central room before the death corridor, first save point]
    • KeyRoom (Key 0-0)
    • StorageRoom
  • DeathCorridor
  • FLOOR 1, END [Central room past the death corridor]

Left side

  • Hallway (Locked 1-1) [Door further in locked with Egg Key]
    • Armory
    • Hallway (Ghost1)
  • Hallway [Nothing of note]
    • CandleDorm (Timecraft)
    • WritingDorm (Key 1-2F)

Right side

  • Hallway (LVL difference) [Event if Siffrin is high level]
    • Hallway (Tear) [First tear]
      • BreakRoom
      • Storage Room (Locked)
    • Hallway (RowTears) [First Star Crest needed]
      • Room (Crest) [First Nostalgie]
      • Kitchen (Key 1-1)

End of floor

  • BossHallway_1
  • Hallway [Nothing of note]
  • FLOOR 2, START [First snack break]
  • Stairs [Nothing of note]

Floor 2

  • FLOOR 2, END [Central room]

Left Side

  • Hallway (FrozenPerson) [Mirabelle's idol]
    • Hallway [Nothing of note]
      • Garden
  • Hallway (Locked 2-1) [Door to library locked with Rock Key]
    • Admin (Key 2-1) [Head Housemaiden's room]
    • HallwayToLibrary [Nothing of note]
    • Library
      • Hallway [Nothing of note, to secret library]
      • Secret Library

Right Side

  • Hallway (Ghost2)
  • Hallway (Locked 2-2) [Door locked with Paper Key]
    • Classroom (Key 3-3L)
    • Room (Crest) [Second Nostalgie]
  • Hallway (RowTears) [Beauty vs Age Alliance]
    • Infirmary
    • TrapmakingRoom (Key 2-3F)
    • BreakRoom (Locked)

End of Floor

  • BossHallway_2
  • Hallway [Nothing of note]
  • FLOOR 3, START (Second snack break)
  • Stairs [Nothing of note]

Floor 3

  • FLOOR 3, END [Central room]

Left Side

  • Hallway (Locked 3-1) [Door locked with Smiling Key]
    • StairstoSTARTS (Tears) [Path to the star room, otherwise nothing of note]
    • StarRoom [Observatory]
  • PotteryRoom
  • Hallway (Tears) [To the bathroom]
    • MiraRoom
    • Changing Room (Key 3-2)
    • KingGate [Locked until Memory of Memories]
      • KingRoom [ACT 4 only, the room with the orrery. Called that because it unlocks after Kingquest.]
    • Hallway (Locked 3-3L) [Locked with Crying Key, Mirabelle's friend is here]
    • HallwayToBathroom&Key
      • Bathroom [Room in front of the bathroom, as the bathroom itself does not exist]
      • HallwayToKey (Ghost3)
      • BigKeyRoom (KEYKNIFE)

Right side

  • Hallway (Locked 3-2) [Angry Key]
  • Hallway (Tears) [Tear row to the Writing Room]
    • MirrorRoom (Key 3-1)
    • Writing Room
    • Room (Crest) [Third Nostalgie]
  • Hallway [Lower hallway, nothing of note]
    • BreakRoom [Room with dog]
      • Hallway [To hidden room]
      • HiddenRoom

End of Floor

  • BossHallway_3
  • Hallway (Roommate)
  • THE KING [Third snack break]
  • Stairs [Nothing of note]
  • Hallway [Nothing of note]
  • King Room [Room where the King actually is]

Last rooms

  • THE END [King Room after he's gone]
  • Hallway [Odile afraid of heights event]
  • LastRoom

Character pages

All character pages are severely lacking in information. Character pages should have:

  • The character's biographical information
  • A description of their physical appearance
  • A summary of their personality
  • A summary of their general relationship to other major characters
  • A list of equipment specific to that character
  • A list of memories specific to that character

Main Characters

Main Character pages still considered stubs are:

Major Characters

Major Character pages still considered stubs are:

Minor Characters

Minor characters that should receive pages are:

Minor character pages still considered stubs are:

Pages in this section should extensively feature references.


Individual Friendquests should receive pages, detailing the events of the quest, the way to unlock the quest, the rewards of the quest, and changes between acts.

Friendquests include:

ACT pages

Individual Acts of In Stars and Time should exist. These pages should include:

  • A synopsis of the ACT's non-optional events
  • A list of optional events
  • A list of newly available items
  • An outline of changes from the previous ACT (applies only to subjects that feature in both ACTs)
  • A list of achievements available in that ACT
  • A gallery subpage featuring all event art newly available in that ACT
  • Potentially: A subpage featuring a walkthrough of the ACT

These pages are:

Enemy pages

Many enemies that should have pages as of yet do not, and pages that do exist are partially lacking in information.

Additionally, it has been decided by general consensus that enemy pages should be grouped by encounter, since encounter formations are static, and enemies within cannot be found in other combinations or individually. Individual enemy names should serve as a redirect to the whole encounter's page.

Enemy page names that feature accents should also have a redirect page of the enemy name without accents.

Enemy pages should include:

  • the enemy's stats
  • a description of the enemy's appearance
  • dialogue when the enemy is examined
  • a list of the enemy's available attacks, their descriptions, and their effects
  • a brief strategy section in dealing with that enemy (particularly bosses)
  • The first place the enemy is encountered
  • It may also be worth including a translation of the enemy's name, as they are all in French.

For enemy information, consult Special:CargoTables/Enemies and Special:CargoTables/Skills. Knowledge of the game's files is likely also required to obtain this information. Ask ITR if questions over the cargo tables arise.

Missing enemy pages are:

  • VS Friends (is there anything better to call this?)
  • Détresse (should include a redirect under Detresse, includes three versions)
  • Mélancolie

Enemy pages that should be combined are:

Enemy pages in need of more information are:

Optional events

It has been decided by popular vote (5 out of 8 in favor) that in the case a Memory and an Achievement cover the same event, a shared page for the whole event should be created. For an example of a shared event page, see Suspicious Event.

A page like this should feature: A summary of the event, a guide on how to obtain it, all rewards offered by it, and a gallery on the page itself, containing both event artwork and achievement icons. Gallery captions in character galleries may need to be changed to reflect chosen terminology.

Additionally, both Memory and Achievement should redirect to the shared event page, and the page itself is in the category Category:Optional Content.

Names for event pages should be short, formal, and as close as possible to names used by the fandom. By nature, all event page names are fanmade.

Memories and achievements for Friendquests are similarly combined onto Friendquest pages. Memories for smaller events without achievements can be combined onto the specific rooms or acts they occur in. Memories and achievements for story progression are to be combined onto the Act pages.

No matter how or where they are combined, all achievements and memories should have redirects by their specific names.


Wanted files

See also: Wanted Files

These are images that warrant a presence on the wiki, but are not yet uploaded.

  • That one sprite of Isabeau, Siffrin, and Bonnie walking hand in hand in ACT 5.
  • NPC overworld sprites (Useful for either NPC pages or a compilation page of NPCs)
  • ACT 6 party member menu artwork (Isabeau, Odile, Bonnie)
  • Enemy hurt artwork

Renaming files

Many files still fall under their original names in the game files. This is great for a game, but bad for a wiki. Please consult the Style Guide for proper naming.

When renaming files, first check which pages use the file. When renaming a file, all pages that use the file should also be edited to prevent broken links.

It has been requested for the wiki to obtain a mass text replacer to help in this issue. This is still pending. For now, we do not have one.

  • Much character art is still under incorrect names. This includes battle portraits and basically everything still under Character Artwork
  • SASASAP Event artwork still has messy names. This is low priority, as SASASAP galleries are generally completed.
  • Enemy files frequently exist as duplicates with proper and improper names. Renaming these requires permission to also edit the cargo tables to prevent breaking them. Please consult ITR on this matter, as they are the only one with the permission and experience to modify cargo tables.
  • Gameicons are by and large under incorrect names. This includes both ISAT and SASASAP icons, though the issue for SASASAP icons is much more minor. Please put Gameicons under descriptive names.
    • These should follow the format of ISAT Icon (description).png

There is likely much, much more.

Alt text

It has been suggested that files use alt text, so as to make the wiki more accesible to visually impaired users. To this end, descriptive alt text would need to be added across the wiki.

This primarily affects gallery pages, such as for individual characters, acts, and events. See Category:Gallery for all of them.

Purely cosmetic images, such as dividers or icons, do not require alt text.

For a reference on where and how to use alt text, see Wikipedia's manual on alternative text.

As it stands, the wiki has basically no alt text whatsoever. It's worth checking every page using images to see if they have any.



The Navbox featured at the bottom of all pages requires updating. The links and categories within should be changed to include more specific information and more categories. See User:Felikitty/Sandbox#Navbox Shenanigans for vain attempts at a solution.

Additionally, nobody has yet found a way to extend the Navbox to span across the entire page in both a collapsed and uncollapsed state. This would be preferred, as it is more consistent, and thus prettier.

Subjects under debate

Whether these pages should be created or not is still being discussed. To join the discussion, head to #the-wiki-channel on In Stars and Time's official discord server.


It is currently under consideration whether items (found collectively under Pockets) should receive individual pages. This also includes Equipment, and Souvenirs.

Individual pages may be worthwile to collect precise stats for Equipment, and unique interactions for Souvenirs.

Pages for Equipment are under debate because resulting articles may be short, leading to the belief that one collective page suits them better.


It is currently under consideration whether Skills should receive individual pages.

These pages could document:

  • The skills description in and out of battle.
  • Specific damage calculations of the skill
  • Differences of the skill between ISAT and SASASAP (if applicable)

However, resulting pages would be quite short, yet a full compilation page of all details of all skills would be quite long.

Possible suggestions are:

  • Individual pages for all skills
  • One central compilation page for all skills (likely an expansion to the existing Skills page)
  • A compilation page of all skills per character, likely formatted as subpages (e.g. Siffrin/Skills or Skills/Siffrin, depending on whether it should be a subpage of the character or of the Skills page.

Minor characters

Some background characters may require pages. Generally speaking, all NPCs involved with questlines should receive a page detailing the events and ways to fulfill their quest.

NPCs or background characters that may warrant their own pages include:

NPCs that may warrant their own page due to their involvement in quests include:

  • Stylish Lady (Awards the Stylish Ribbon)
  • Castle-loving One (Awards the First Issue)

NPCs that may warrant their own page without having their own quest:

  • Big Boulanger & his daughter (major involvement in Odile's Friendquest)
  • Beautiful One (major involvement in Odile's Friendquest)
  • Bored Librarian (does not have a unique quest, but is spoken to at least twice during main events)
  • The kids (Wizard-Loving Kid, Sky-Loving Kid, Frog-Loving Kid) (major involvement in Odile's Friendquest)

NPCs that may warrant their own page because they are associated with Souvenirs include:

  • Drawing Kid (Awards Friendship Doodle)
  • Flower-giving One (Awards Bright Flower
  • Sky-Loving Kid (Awards Four-Pointed Leaf)

Location names

House rooms

It's being considered if individual rooms in the House should have pages in order to properly catalogue the many events and conversations therein. If so, should they be named according to game files?

This would make sense, with the only difficulty being multiple rooms with the same name across floors, such as the two Break Rooms on Floor 1 and Floor 2.

Social Media artwork

Should these be included in the wiki? Example: the drawing of Siffrin's outfit beneath his cloak from insertdisc5's tumblr. Artworks like this are made by the game's developer, thus qualifying them as official artwork, yet are also often intended as jokes, or differ in quality from artworks actually used in any official capacity.

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