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i can only make words word when im wording. when im not wording the words just wont word

Hazelnut, trying to explain why she can't form human sentences when they aren't writing


Hello!! I have no idea what I'm doing!! But I really love In Stars and Time and want to help with the wiki!
Please let me know if I'm doing something wrong, I've never worked with wikis before.

I love writing giant paragraphs of analysis (and/or giant paragraphs of wiki content), however I'm horrible with citations/remembering where I got a piece of information.

Also, um, I'm not sure how frequently I'll work on the wiki, so if I disapear for weeks, don't be surprised...

I have like zero social medias. I'm not sure if the wiki has a communication feature, but um... I guess if you need to say something to me just edit this page.

About Me

I like writing stories! Novels, video games (ISAT inspired me!), comics, anything, as long as it's a story. ISAT is my favorite thing ever!! It's so well-written in every way possible!!

Also if all my exclamation marks and all-caps and stuff comes off as angry, I don't mean it that way!! I'm just very excitable!! Especially w/ ISAT related things!!!

Also I appreciate tone tags if you think tone is unclear, I'll also try to use them if I'm worried about that :)
(if you don't know what tone tags are, uhh just use google I'm not good at explaining things)

I'm very shy online though; not personality-wise but like in terms of being very hesitant to post anything and stuff.

If I add like twenty things to the wiki all at once, I'm probably procrastinating doing the second draft for the novel I'm writing /hj


• I remembered a trivia fact for Isabeau (he doesn't use his real singing voice b/c it makes him feel vulnerable) but I have no idea where to find it, I just know it was on Insertdisc5's blog somewhere.....

• In general I have no idea where I found things and how to cite them...

• I have no idea how to use any of the code language!! This is confusing! be honest I'm usually pretty good at picking up on coding/stuff like that, so hopefully I won't need too much help with this, but any basic explanation would be appreciated :)

• What's the policy on spoilers? I know there's the little spoiler banner with Bonnie on it, but should I still be careful about spoiling things? What about if I spoil something that isn't mentioned anywhere else on the wiki? What about Loop's secret boss fight? What about ACT 5? Etc etc etc.

• Why do none of the pages mention Isa's crush on Sif?? Should I not add that? And also how much do we consider canon? I know they never confirmed that the two are dating. So I'm assuming we can't say they're dating, but what about Sif liking Isa back? Because to my knowledge it's very canon?? Especially if you got the miss-able scene where Sif kisses Isa. But also can be dependent on people's individual playthroughs of the game. So... I don't know.

• Okay so I mentioned I have no experience with wikis, however I have read wikis a lot, especially for The Owl House. I know the TOH wiki goes into extreme detail for the character relationships (like multiple paragraphs). But here it's just a few words. Is that something we should add? Because I mean the characters and their relations are really fully-thought-out, and we definitely have enough information to write out full paragraphs. I crabbin' LOVE writing giant paragraphs for no apparent reason, so I'd definitely enjoy putting together those paragraphs if we want them, I just don't know how people feel about that.

• I'm so hesitant about adding anything without first having someone approve of it, especially if it's not anywhere else on the wiki (ie the above two bullet points). If someone could either assure me that this is not to be worried about or tell me what to add/what not to add, that would be appreciated :)

my headcanons, b/c if I don't write them somewhere I'll explode

Also this isn't all of them, I have so many headcanons lol

• Isabeau sews a new hat for Siffrin post-game (the first hat flew away and is gone now (canonically))

• Siffrin has star-shaped scars on their arm from the miss-able event in ACT 5

• Post-game, Odile confiscates Siffrin's dagger (for obvious reasons)

• Bonnie's sister likes The Cursing of Chateau Castle, and she and Mira bond over that (I don't think there's any canon evidence behind this I just like the idea)

• Mirabelle and Siffrin go through with their promise to be "feelings buddies" and they go on long nature walks to talk about feelings

• Post-game, Sif keeps a diary (Mira's suggestion) but is really hesitant about keeping it secret b/c the whole reason the timeloops lasted so long was b/c he wouldn't talk about things, so they just let everyone read it (Odile finds this very cute but will never admit it)

• There are so many more but I'm not going to write them all b/c there's too many


Ok thanks for reading that
bye :)