Bright Flower

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A four-petal flower full of hidden meaning. You can gift it to your friends.

[Item description for Bright Flower]

The Bright Flower is one of the Souvenirs that can be found in Dormont. It is acquired by talking to the florist. When talking to certain characters with the flower in your pocket, you will be given the option to gift it to them. During Act 4, the description changes the word "friends" to "family members."


The Bright Flower can be offered to seven different characters (although they may not all accept it).

Character How to Give Note
Mirabelle Talk to Mirabelle while she is sitting outside the library in Dormont.
Isabeau Talk to Isabeau in Dormont.
Odile Talk to Odile in the shop in Dormont.
Bonnie Talk to Bonnie by the field in Dormont.
Loop "Show" the flower to Loop by looking at it while standing near the favor tree. They will initially refuse it, but after it is offered to them on four different loops, they will accept it every time.
The King After gaining the ability to ask the King questions, carry the flower through The House to the fight against the King. The option "Flower for you." will appear in the "Ask" menu. During the dialogue, Siffrin and the King will mention that in their country, flowers can be gifted to anyone as long as they're "important," including enemies.
Head Housemaiden Bring the flower through the house and past the King. While talking to the Head Housemaiden, Siffrin will automatically offer it to her. The Head Housemaiden will begin to "break down" after the flower is offered, leading Siffrin to comment that she must not be "a fan of flowers."