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A caring and nervous housemaiden mysteriously blessed by the god she so ardently follows.

[Steam description for In Stars and Time][4]

Mirabelle (prounounced mee-rah-bel, surname Chevalier[5]) is one of the main characters of In Stars and Time and START AGAIN: a prologue.


A Housemaiden from the town of Dormont, blessed by the Change God.

[Mirabelle's Profile page in In Stars and Time]


Mirabelle is short, with dark skin and short, puffy black hair, she is slightly taller than Siffrin[6]. Her hands are covered in calluses from fighting[7].

She wears a puffy white dress, with a rope around her waist serving as a belt[8], and a shawl around her torso, brought together by two brooches shaped like concentric cricles with teardrops hanging off them which ring when she walks[9]. She is left-handed, wearing long white fingerless gloves, with ends that loop around her hands' middle finger[10]. There is a large white bow on her head and small round earrings. On her feet are slippers[11]. As a Housemaiden of Change, Mirabelle is obligated to change her clothing style fairly often[12].

She wields a long, thin rapier.


Mirabelle is shy, kind[13], very polite, and mild-mannered[14]. She can be anxious at times, and need reassurance[15]; but she's very warm and carying in return, especially towards her friends. Additionally, she's non-confrontational, but does not hesitate to ask if she feels as though there's something wrong[16].

As a Housemaiden of Change, she's very knowledgable and enthusiastic about the Change belief, being happy to answer any question about aspects of it. Mirabelle's interests change very often as seen in her having taken a lot of classes about many different subjects[1][17].


  • Mirabelle's favorite season is fall[11], drink is tea and orange juice[11], color is warm pink[11] and favorite animal is a dog.
  • Mirabelle's favorite flower is lavender, because it smells nice.
  • Mirabelle's favorite book genres are horror and YA fiction.[11][1][18] and her favorite book series is called "The Cursing of Château Castle"[19]. *While she does read very unnerving horror books[1], she also enjoys more casual things[20]
  • Chocolates with hazelnuts.[21].
  • Receiving letters.[22]


  • Mirabelle is a little afraid of ghosts.[23]


  • Shoujo-like drawing style.[24]
  • Collecting mirabelle plum-scented items.[1] such as soap[25]


  • She is aromantic and asexual.[26]
  • She Has an alright spice tolerance.[27]
  • She does not drink alcohol, but may have a sip from time to time. However, she does not get drunk when she does.[28]
  • The teardrops that Mirabelle has attached to her brooch ring as she walks. Because of this, she's part of the "Funny Noises Appreciation Crew", alongside Siffrin and Isabeau.[29]
  • Mirabelle wakes up at 8am.[30]



Bonnie smiling.



Isabeau smiling fondly.



Odile smiling with one eyebrow raised.



Siffrin smiling fondly.

Siffrin and Mirabelle are very close to each other as of the start of the game, with Siffrin helping to ease some of her anxiety in the house with jokes and her noticing and asking if Siffrin is alright as the time loop takes its toll on him. She says that she always thought of Siffrin as being mysterious and too cool for her, but comes to realize that he's really just very shy and introverted. At the end of the game the two of them decide to be "feelings buddies" and talk about their issues and anxieties with each other from then on. They also bond over being asexual, with Mirabelle being relieved that she isn't the only person in the world that feels the way she does.

The Head Housemaiden

Euphrasie smiling fondly with a hand on her chest.

The Head Housemaiden is Mirabelle's mentor and role model who she looks up to throughout the game. As they're going through the house Mirabelle talks about how she would help Mirabelle and teach her how to do things throughout the house. When the King attacked the House of Change the Head Housemaiden gave her blessing to Mirabelle so she could escape, and Mirabelle openly wonders why she didn't just use the blessing herself instead of using it on her. When they are finally reunited in the game the Head Housemaiden tells Mirabelle that she's proud of her and Mirabelle is happy that she is alright.

The King

The King, hands raised to cover his face.

Mirabelle opposes the King on a personal and ideological level. As a Housemaiden of Change, she detests his goal of freezing Vaugarde, thus eliminating all possibility of Change forever. She is determined to stop him, believing that life always goes on. [31] She also loathes him on a personal level, because he has invaded, frozen, and twisted her home, harming the people she is closest to. This is often seen when finding the various frozen people around the House.

Before the battle, the King makes a token effort to dissuade Mirabelle from fighting him by framing his conquest as a form of Change, which disgusts Mirabelle. [32] He gives up as soon as this tactic yields no results. Additionally, the King seems to hate Mirabelle the most out of all party members considering the Perfect Ending of START AGAIN: a prologue, in which he kills Mirabelle the most violently, and even continues beating her already dead body.[33]

In Stars and Time

Previously, she lived in Dormont's House of Change, studying and working there as a Housemaiden of Change[34]; one can find flyers there which were drawn by her a few years ago[35].

Months prior to the start of In Stars and Time, however, the King began to freeze Vaugarde in time, starting with the House. She was the only one who managed to escape[34], at which point she began travelling in order to find a way to save it.
She met each of the party while out, starting with Isabeau in Jouvente, then Odile, then Siffrin, and finally Bonnie[11].

In-Game Events

ISAT Event ACT1 Change God 13.png
Mirabelle concerned about Siffrin.
At some point during the journey, Mirabelle asked Siffrin if they were okay coming along for the mission since she felt guilty for everyone following her on this quest. Siffrin's response didn't put her heart at ease[36].


ISAT Event ACT1 Intro1 6.png
Mirabelle waking up Siffrin.

Mirabelle finds Siffrin while he is napping in the Meadow, where she inquires about him taking a nap into the early afternoon[37]. After failing to pull Siffrin away from his nap, Mirabelle leaves, requesting that he join her anon in Dormont.

When Siffrin has fully woken up, Mirabelle meets with him at the entrance to Dormont. Worried about how well Siffrin slept, Mirabelle asks how his nap was. After Siffrin answers, Mirabelle remembers to tell Siffrin about the Sleepover, relegating him the duty of convincing the party to join, while she looks over Bonding Proposals. Through this exchange, Siffrin ends up making Mirabelle upset about the sleepover, however he quickly agrees to convince everyone anyway. Mirabelle informs Siffrin where the party is in Dormont, providing a Reminder Note of their locations.

Siffrin can talk to Mirabelle while she sits by the Library. One of the things he asks her is what she'll do after the mission. Mirabelle says that she'll apologise to the Head Housemaiden for taking so long and then continue her journey striving for change as a Housemaiden of the House of Change[38]. As she explains, she has yet to go on a proper pilgrimage of change, believing she hasn't changed a bit since the beginning of the Quest[39]. Mirabelle is delighted at the idea of Siffrin converting to the House of Change.

ISAT Event ACT1 Inn 3a.png
Mirabelle thanking the party for everything they've done up to this point.

Later that evening, Mirabelle joins the party at the Clocktower. During their meal, she delivers a speech about how she couldn't have gone all this way without the party. While she thanks the group for everything they have done, she also tells them they don't have to risk their lives to fight the King tomorrow[40]. Odile exclaims it's a bit late to leave, while Isabeau tells her that the Party is with her to the end. The rest of the group join Isabeau in this sentiment. Overwhelmed by support, Mirabelle thanks them all before jumping into a tight hug with Isabeau and Bonnie, while Odile and Siffrin watch from a distance.[41].

ISAT Event ACT1 Inn 5.png
Mirabelle hugging Isabeau and Bonnie in the Clocktower.



ISAT Battle Mirabelle.png
The Housemaiden
Craft Type / Scissors / Paper
Stats Equip
Health 601 Weapon ISAT Item Rapier.png Shiny Rapier
Attack 117 Equipment ISAT Item Bow.png Big Bow
Defense 77 Memory ISAT Icon Mirabelle.png Memory of Mirabelle
Attack Speed 111
Luck 19

ISAT Battle Mirabelle.png
The Housemaiden
Craft Type / Scissors / Paper
Stats Equip
Health 1120 Weapon ISAT Item Rapier.png Shiny Rapier
Attack 287 Equipment ISAT Item Bow.png Big Bow
Defense 118 Memory ISAT Icon Mirabelle.png Memory of Mirabelle
Attack Speed 148
Luck 31

Displayed stats do not include Memories or Equipment.


Name Description Cooldown Availability
Jolly Round Rondo SCISSORS damage to one enemy. 2 turnGAMEICON 6.png Available by default.
Artsy Silent Burst Deals PAPER damage to all enemies. 3 turnGAMEICON 6.png Available by default.
GAMEICON 66.png Super Sparkle Heal Heals one friend for 80% of their HP. 2 turnGAMEICON 6.png Available by default.
GAMEICON 12.png Pretty Buffy Friend Boost all friends' GAMEICON 34.png ATTACK. 3 turnGAMEICON 6.png Available by default.
GAMEICON 68.png Lovely Moving Cure Cures GAMEICON 8.png FROZEN for one friend. 3 turnGAMEICON 6.png Level 47.
GAMEICON 68.png Shining Life Revives a GAMEICON 1.png K.O. friend. 3 turnGAMEICON 6.png Level 50.
GAMEICON 66.png Mega Sparkle Heal Heals all friends for 80% of their HP. 4 turnGAMEICON 6.png Level 52.
GAMEICON 19.png Adorable Moving Shield Creates a GAMEICON 3.pngSHIELD that protects friends from GAMEICON 8.pngTIMESTOP
and GAMEICON 11.pngSLOW, boosts GAMEICON 35.pngDEF.
5 turnGAMEICON 6.png Tell Mirabelle about
the CARROT method.
GAMEICON 3.png Holy Care Shield Creates a GAMEICON 3.pngSHIELD that makes all friends invulnerable to attacks for one turn. 5 turnGAMEICON 6.png Complete Mirabelle's Friendquest.
Weakened: No change.

Name Description Cooldown Availability
Jolly Round Rondo SCISSORS damage to one enemy. 2 turnGAMEICON 6.png Available by default.
Artsy Silent Burst Deals PAPER damage to all enemies. 3 turnGAMEICON 6.png Available by default.
GAMEICON 66.png Super Sparkle Heal Heals one friend for 80% of their HP. 2 turnGAMEICON 6.png Available by default.
GAMEICON 12.png Pretty Buffy Friend Boost all friends' GAMEICON 34.png ATTACK. 3 turnGAMEICON 6.png Available by default.
GAMEICON 68.png Lovely Moving Cure Cures GAMEICON 12.png FROZEN for one friend. 3 turnGAMEICON 6.png Level 47.




Mirabelle tries to solve a crisis of faith using a secret set of papers.

Rewards for this Friendquest include the Memory of Faith and the Holy Care Shield Skill.

START AGAIN: a prologue



SASASAP Battle Mirabelle.png
The Housemaiden
Craft Type / Scissors / Paper
Stats Equip
Health 3,537 Charge 517 Weapon Sasasap Icon Shiny Rapier.png Shiny Rapier
Attack 87 Craft Attack 107 Equipment Sasasap Icon Armor.png Housemaiden's Dress
Defense 105 Craft Defense 102 Accessory Sasasap Icon Accessory.png Shiny Bow
Agility 158 Luck 217
Displayed stats include Equipment because it cannot be changed or unequipped in START AGAIN: a prologue


Name Description Cooldown Availability
Sasasap Icon Scissors.png Round Rondo SCISSORS slash to one enemy! 2 turnSasasap Icon Droplet.png Available by default.
Sasasap Icon Paper.png Artsy Silent Burst Crafts a PAPER spell against one enemy! 2 turnSasasap Icon Droplet.png Available by default.
Sasasap Icon Buff.png Pretty Buffy Friend Boost all friends' Sasasap Icon AtkUp.pngATTACK! 3 turnSasasap Icon Droplet.png Available by default.
Sasasap Icon Heal.png Super Sparkle Prism Heal Heals everyone for 75% of their HP! 3 turnSasasap Icon Droplet.png Available by default.
Sasasap Icon Heal.png Shining Life Revives a Sasasap Icon KO.pngK.O. friend! 3 turnSasasap Icon Droplet.png Available by default.
Sasasap Icon Heal.png Lovely Moving Cure Cures Sasasap Icon Frozen.pngFROZEN for one ally! 3 turnSasasap Icon Droplet.png Enter the library.


  • Mirabelle's name used to be "Prunille" for a long time in development. Her name comes from "prune" which means "plum" in French. However, while developing START AGAIN: a prologue, her name was often mixed up with Bonnie. Consequently, her name was swapped out for "Mirabelle", which sticks to the plum theme through mirabelle plums[42].
  • While ISAT was in early development, Adrienne said that Mirabelle was titled Priest after basic RPG archetypes[43].
  • Mirabelle's bow is slightly larger in ISAT then SASASAP[44].
  • Mirabelle is really good at iceskating[45].
  • The interaction involving the Cracked Egg Key between Mirabelle and Isabeau wasn't intended to be a trans-metaphor[46][47].


show/hide references

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 START AGAIN START AGAIN START AGAIN: A PROLOGUE (an artbook), pg. 3
  2. Bazir, Adrienne (2024-01-15). In Stars and Time Spoiler Q&A. Archived from the original on January 15, 2024.
  3. https://insertdisc5.tumblr.com/isat_faq
  4. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1677310/In_Stars_And_Time/
  5. "her [Mirabelle's] last name is "Chevalier" — insertdisc5 on the official ISAT discord server
  6. See Mirabelle's reference sheet.
  7. "(Ah, her hands...) (Even her hands are covered in calluses, after all the battles she and all your friends fought in.)" - Siffrin in START AGAIN: a prologue
  8. beltname="dev10">https://insertdisc5.tumblr.com/post/705454626680586240/devlog-10-questions-and-answers
  9. "And the teardrops on your brooch?" (Odile); "Pretty. Goes "ding ding" when I walk." (Mirabelle) - in the Demo
  10. Mirabelle/Gallery - Mirabelle's fighting portrait in Battle Artwork
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 https://insertdisc5.tumblr.com/post/705454626680586240/devlog-10-questions-and-answers
  12. "(The closet has a lot of different dresses.) (From what you understand, as a housemaiden of Change she's obligated to change her fashion style fairly often...)" - in START AGAIN: a prologue
  13. "Mirabelle, shy and kind. This is how you remember her." - Memory of Mirabelle in In Stars and Time
  14. "Why not, right! How was the food?" (Isabeau); "... Room for improvement..." (Mirabelle); "Heh. For our kind gentle Mirabelle to say this..." (Odile); "Ha, ha!!! Food tasted like crab!!!" (Bonnie) - in In Stars and Time DEMO
  15. (See: Death Corridor scene in In Stars and Time DEMO)
  16. (See: START AGAIN: a prologue's True Ending)
  17. https://insertdisc5.tumblr.com/post/722195824709386240/this-might-be-a-really-weird-question-and-one-you
  18. "Oooh, looks like the kinda books you like, yeah? Horror books... This one looks massive! What's this one ca--" (Isabeau); "THAT'S THE "HANDSOME YOUNG MEN FALLING INTO BEAUTIFUL HEARTBREAKING MADNESS" HORROR ANTHOLOGY!!!" (Mirabelle) - in START AGAIN
  19. https://insertdisc5.tumblr.com/post/713405713844715520/achievements-and-qa-one-more-time
  20. "It's just, its very good!!! Very moving!!!! Makes me feel like I went on a run!!! And also sometimes the heroes end up marrying the monsters, too..." - Mirabelle, talking about the Horror Anthology in START AGAIN
  21. https://insertdisc5.tumblr.com/post/723398473129607168/beatbox-anon-back-at-it-again-with-another-weird
  22. Bazir, Adrienne (2023-11-13). What Are Everyone's Favorite Flower?. Archived from the original on January 19, 2024.
  23. https://insertdisc5.tumblr.com/post/726907714353135616/out-of-the-cast-whos-afraid-of-ghosts-this
  24. https://insertdisc5.tumblr.com/post/727106632034680832/we-know-who-has-good-handwriting-but-who-in-the
  25. "Is that your bed?" (Bonnie); "Yes!!! Um... What gave it away?" (Mirabelle); "It smells fruity, just like your name!!!" (Bonnie); "Hehehe! I did find the perfect soap scent, didn't I?" (Mirabelle) - in START AGAIN
  26. https://insertdisc5.tumblr.com/isat_faq
  27. https://insertdisc5.tumblr.com/post/723401721009881088/apologies-if-youve-already-gotten-asked-something
  28. https://insertdisc5.tumblr.com/post/727273138106335232/how-do-you-think-the-party-acts-while-under-the
  29. "(You shake the pendant.) (As if summoned, the Funny Noises Appreciation Crew jump to your side.)"; "Ding ding!" (Isabeau); "Ding ding!" (Mirabelle); "(Ding ding.)" (Siffrin) - in In Stars and Time DEMO
  30. Bazir, Adrienne (2023-11-13). Who are the Night Owls/Early Birds. Archived from the original on January 19, 2024.
  31. ""Life will never get better than this, so you should give up now"? GIVE ME A BREAK!!! The eternity you wish for... I want no part of it!!! WE WANT NO PART OF IT!!! WE WILL NOT GIVE IN!!! Because your eternity means the end of change!!! And I believe in change, King! I believe in a life that goes on!!! Things CANNOT stay the same! They can't! They won't!!! Or we as humans cannot change for the better! So I will NEVER let you have your way!!!" — Mirabelle, before striking the final blow against the King., In Stars and Time
  32. King: Young housemaiden...... In a way... Isn't my wish a form of Change? Why aren't you on my side......?" [...] "Ah...... Can't you feel it, young lady......? The Universe yearns for everyone's hopes to be encased in limitless ice...... Won't you allow your fate to be ended......?"
    Mirabelle: Corrupting and ending people's lives? You call this a form of Change? You DARE compare your dreams of ice and stillness to Change themselves?! This is NOT true Change! This is just you, acting as a god would, for your own satisfaction!" — The King and Mirabelle, before their battle, In Stars and Time
  33. (The King throws the Housemaiden's body onto the floor again.)
    (She hasn't said a word or breathed for a long time.)
    — Siffrin's monologue during the Perfect Ending, START AGAIN: a prologue
  34. 34.0 34.1 "How I'm feeling...? Oh, being in Dormont, you mean? It's nostalgic... This is where I lived before, after all. I mean, when I wasn't studying or working at the House. Dormont itself hasn't changed much, but the House... ...We can see it from the village, you know. How distorted it has become. I was the only one who managed to escape the House when the King attacked... So many people must be hurt..." - Mirabelle in In Stars and Time DEMO
  35. "(Some flyers.) (They say: "House of Change open! Come and see what you can do for the community, and what the community can do for you!!!") (There's some people with sparkly eyes holding hands drawn on it.)" "Hehehe... I drew those a few years ago to get people to come to the House... It's a little embarrassing now." - Mirabelle in In Stars and Time DEMO
  36. "She felt guilty, felt like she was forcing everyone to follow her on a hopeless quest" - Mirabelle prior to arriving to Dormont
  37. "Were you taking a nap? That's just like you... Only you could sleep peacefully at a time like this, hehe!" - Mirabelle at the beginning of Act 1.
  38. "I need to talk to the Head Housemaiden and apologise for taking so long...""But after I apologise... I was thinking of traveling again?" -Mirabelle sitting outside the Dormont library.
  39. "...And part of it means I have to go on a pilgrimage. Which I haven't done yet" - Mirabelle sitting outside the Dormont library.
  40. "I... I want to say thank you... For coming with me this far!""If you don't want to come, if you want to go back home, I would--" - Mirabelle during the group meal at the Clocktower.
  41. (Isabeau and Bonnie hug Mirabelle tightly, while you and Odile stand a bit apart like always) - Siffrin watching the others hug at the Clocktower.
  42. https://insertdisc5.tumblr.com/post/717741974391832576/hi-hi-i-just-wanna-say-i-love-your-game-and-its
  43. "Mirabelle and Odile's first titles were just Basic RPG Archetypes until I branched out a little more and gave them some that gave a better idea of the world they lived in" - adrienne ✦ insertdisc5 (03-26-2022), the ISAT Discord.
  44. "mostly just siffrin's hat and mirabelle's bow are different in stars and time! and then the rest is very small stuff that bugged me so its not even worth mentioning lol" - adrienne ✦ insertdisc5 (09-20-2022), the ISAT Discord.
  45. "mirabelle can do little twirls and stuff" "NOT! switch odile and isabeau and THEN its ACTUALLY canon" - adrienne ✦ insertdisc5 (06-10-2023), the ISAT Discord.
  46. "We're the egg, getting out of the egg, change also means destruction, blablabla","Can't make pancakes without breaking a few eggs" - Mirabelle when interacting with the Cracked Egg Key for the first time.
  47. "the cracked egg key lines from Mirabelle and Isabeau are 100% a trans metaphor, right?" "nah, but can 100% be read as one yeah" "like yeah the trans egg is Right There and i did think about how good the symbolism was but. it was not the main reason, just a happy coincidence" - adrienne ✦ insertdisc5 (08-29-2023), the ISAT Discord.


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