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The mature and nonsensical researcher studying…something. (No, she will not tell you what it is.)

[Steam description for In Stars and Time][3]

Odile is one of the main characters of START AGAIN: a prologue and In Stars and Time.


A researcher of... something, from Ka Bue. Her Craft knowledge is unparalleled.

[Odile's Profile page in In Stars and Time]



Odile is tall, with white skin and straight black hair[4] which she ties into a rectangular bun. She wears a grey shirt with long sleeves, which indent over the back of her hands, and two buttons below the collar. She has a long light grey jacket with diamond shapes on her shoulders and large sleeves, and black pants. She wears rectangular half-rim glasses, with diamond shapes attached to them.

She wields a notebook[5], which she uses to Craft skills.


Odile is described as curious and very perceptive[6][1]; and although she sometimes acts as if she doesn't, she does in fact care for the party[7][8]. She likes participating alongside them, such as imitating Siffrin's bumping into counters noises[9], or teaching Bonnie to make onigiri[10].

She's quick to notice when something's unusual or weird[11], and although she does not often call it out, she does want to be supportive[7]. She hates having secrets kept from her[12].

In Stars and Time

Odile comes from Ka Bue, a country on the other side of the globe from Vaugarde[13]; prior to joining the party, she had been travelling for a long time[12], presumably for her research[14].

She was the second person to join the party, having met Mirabelle and Isabeau while travelling[12]. She precedes Siffrin and Bonnie.



ISAT Battle Odile.png
The Researcher
Craft Type Paper
Stats Equip
Health 473 Weapon ISAT Item Book.png Dense Book
Attack 143 Equipment ISAT Item Glasses.png Geometric Glasses
Defense 109 Memory ISAT Icon Odile.png Memory of Odile
Attack Speed 74
Luck 28

ISAT Battle Odile.png
The Researcher
Craft Type Paper
Stats Equip
Health 962 Weapon ISAT Item Book.png Dense Book
Attack 294 Equipment ISAT Item Glasses.png Geometric Glasses
Defense 146 Memory ISAT Icon Odile.png Memory of Odile
Attack Speed 111
Luck 41

Displayed stats do not include Memories and Equipment.


Name Description Cooldown Availability
GAMEICON 7.png Examine Analyzes an enemy. This skill doesn't use a turn. NoGAMEICON 6.png Available by default.
Scissors III Deals SCISSORS damage to one enemy. 2 turnGAMEICON 6.png Available by default.
Rock III Deals ROCK damage to one enemy. 2 turnGAMEICON 6.png Available by default.
Paper III Deals PAPER damage to one enemy. 2 turnGAMEICON 6.png Available by default.
GAMEICON 13.png Slow IV Makes enemies tired and GAMEICON 11.pngSLOWER for a few turns. 3 turnGAMEICON 6.png Available by default.
Paper α V Deals big PAPER damage to one enemy. 4 turnGAMEICON 6.png Level 49.
GAMEICON 68.png Craft Buff Strengthens one friend's resistance to a CRAFT type for a few turns. 4 turnGAMEICON 6.png Level 53.
GAMEICON 68.png Craft Break Make an enemy weaker to a CRAFT type's attacks for a few turns. 4 turnGAMEICON 6.png Level 55.
GAMEICON 68.png Craft Break α Make an enemy weaker to all CRAFT types for a few turns. 5 turnGAMEICON 6.png Complete Odile's Friendquest.
Weakened: Cooldown increased to 7 turns.

Name Description Cooldown Availability
GAMEICON 7.png Examine Analyzes an enemy. This skill doesn't use a turn. NoGAMEICON 6.png Available by default.
Scissors III Deals SCISSORS damage to one enemy. 2 turnGAMEICON 6.png Available by default.
Rock III Deals ROCK damage to one enemy. 2 turnGAMEICON 6.png Available by default.
Paper III Deals PAPER damage to one enemy. 2 turnGAMEICON 6.png Available by default.
GAMEICON 13.png Slow IV Makes enemies tired and GAMEICON 11.pngSLOWER for a few turns. 3 turnGAMEICON 6.png Available by default.




Odile attempts to locate a specific type of book known as a Familytale in order to complete her research.

Rewards for this Friendquest include the Memory of Secret Quest and the Craft Break α Skill.


Name Relationship
ISAT Portrait Siffrin Smiling 4.png Siffrin Friends
ISAT Portrait Mirabelle Happy 4.png Mirabelle Friends
ISAT Portrait Isabeau Fond 2.png Isabeau Friends
ISAT Portrait Bonnie Happy 1.png Bonnie Friends
Name Relationship
ISAT Portrait King.png The King N/A

START AGAIN: a prologue



SASASAP Battle Odile.png
The Researcher
Craft Type Paper
Stats Equip
Health 3,384 Charge 618 Weapon Sasasap Icon Dense Book.png Dense Book
Attack 68 Craft Attack 117 Equipment Sasasap Icon Armor.png Geometric Vest
Defense 85 Craft Defense 97 Accessory Sasasap Icon Accessory.png Geometric Glasses
Agility 119 Luck 186
Displayed stats include Equipment because it cannot be changed or unequipped in START AGAIN: a prologue


Name Description Cooldown Availability
Sasasap Icon Craft.png Examine Analyzes an enemy. This skill doesn't use a turn. NoSasasap Icon Droplet.png Available by default.
Sasasap Icon Scissors.png Scissors I Crafts a SCISSORS spell against a single enemy. 2 turnSasasap Icon Droplet.png Available by default.
Sasasap Icon Rock.png Rock I Crafts a ROCK spell against a single enemy. 2 turnSasasap Icon Droplet.png Available by default.
Sasasap Icon Paper.png Paper II Crafts a PAPER spell. Hits all enemies. 3 turnSasasap Icon Droplet.png Available by default.
Sasasap Icon Debuff.png Slow IV Makes enemies Sasasap Icon Slow.pngSLOW for a few turns. 4 turnSasasap Icon Droplet.png Available by default.
Sasasap Icon Paper.png Paper α V Crafts a powerful PAPER spell against a single enemy. 4 turnSasasap Icon Droplet.png Level 47.



  • Odile's favorite book genre is non-fiction[12], but she also loves fairytales[1]; her favorite season is fall[12], favorite drink is tea (but only expensive)[12], favorite color is dark green[12], and favorite animal is cat[5].
    • She is really afraid of heights[12].
    • She prefers cacao chocolate: not because she loves it, but because she likes chocolate but doesn't want to eat too much sugar. She would not try weird chocolate flavors[15].
    • She likes spicy foods, and is very likely to order the spiciest versions of foods available[16].
  • She is the only party member to possess Craft skills with types outside of her primary one — this is possibly because of her great knowledge of it.
  • Odile has books at home, but not actually a lot: this is because Ka Bue has easy to access libraries[5].
  • Her research is neither about Craftology, literature, local fauna, cutlery or keys[1].
  • Alongside Siffrin, Odile is one of the two only party members to not be from Vaugarde, and to not follow Change belief.
    • Instead, she follows a Ka Bue belief based on Expressions[17], of which there is one for everything — with "a few thousand" in total. She lists the ones she prays to as "The Expression of Search, the Expression of Writing, the Expression of Creator Craft, and lately, the Expressions of Battle and Victory".
  • In the same way that Mirabelle, Isabeau and Bonnie dislike crabs, Odile dislikes dolphins[18].
  • She has a total of 59 portraits in In Stars and Time[19].
  • During pre-production, Isabeau was actually the name used for Odile, where she also had a very different personality. This was of course changed out later with "Odile", which is simply an old-sounding French name.[20]


show/hide references

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 START AGAIN START AGAIN START AGAIN: A PROLOGUE (an artbook), pg. 4
  2. https://insertdisc5.tumblr.com/post/739585437105094656/the-in-stars-and-time-spoiler-qa
  3. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1677310/In_Stars_And_Time/
  4. https://insertdisc5.tumblr.com/post/656260295760740352
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 https://insertdisc5.tumblr.com/post/713405713844715520/achievements-and-qa-one-more-time
  6. "Odile, curious and perceptive. This is how you remember her. [+5 to all stats.]" - Memory of Odile in In Stars and Time DEMO
  7. 7.0 7.1 See: START AGAIN's True Ending
  8. "Be more careful! Here, give me your hand." (Odile); "(She gently takes your hand and wraps a bandage around your finger.) (So nice, even though she tries to pretend she is not.)" (Siffrin) - in START AGAIN: a prologue
  9. "(Ow!) (You hit your hip into the counter and made an embarassing sound.)" (Siffrin); "Siffrin. Did you really hit the counter and say "nya"." (Odile); "(You did.)" "No." (Siffrin); "Okay, nya." (Odile) - in In Stars and Time DEMO
  10. "(Bonnie hands you one onigiri.) (Odile taught Bonnie how to make onigiri a few weeks back.) (You wonder what Bonnie put inside this time...)" - picking the Onigiri as a snack in In Stars and Time DEMO
  11. See: Siffrin's weird actions in START AGAIN: a prologue often cause her to react with a thinking expression, and "...", more often than the rest of the party.
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 https://insertdisc5.tumblr.com/post/705454626680586240/devlog-10-questions-and-answers
  13. (See: Ka Bue.)
  14. "Finally, I'll be able to go back to my research." - Odile during START AGAIN: a prologue's True Ending
  15. https://insertdisc5.tumblr.com/post/723398473129607168/beatbox-anon-back-at-it-again-with-another-weird
  16. https://insertdisc5.tumblr.com/post/723401721009881088/apologies-if-youve-already-gotten-asked-something
  17. "Oh yeah, what do you have in Ka Bue then?" (Isabeau); "We have... gods? Spirits? Expressions? The nuance gets a little lost in Vaugardese... Expressions for everything." (Odile); "So how many Expressions do you have then? A dozen?" (Isabeau); "A few thousand." (Odile) - in START AGAIN: a prologue
  18. "Please don't tell me you eat crabs in Ka Bue I don't think I could handle it..." (Isabeau); "No, not really, but we don't... Have such an aversion to them... Hm. Okay. Wait. Is it. Is this like dolphins." (Odile); "What about them?" (Isabeau); "In Ka Bue, we don't like dolphins. Something about them being too smart. Are... crabs... smart?" (Odile) - in In Stars and Time DEMO
  19. https://twitter.com/insertdisc5/status/1561809209334841344
  20. https://www.tumblr.com/insertdisc5/717741974391832576/hi-hi-i-just-wanna-say-i-love-your-game-and-its


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