The King

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......Do you remember?

The King, [Before battle in In Stars and Time]

The King is the main antagonist of In Stars and Time and START AGAIN: a prologue.


The bane of your existence.
"A man so infuriated by the world's progress... ...he decided to end the world by stopping time itself. Be ready for anything."
Be ready to die.

Odile, [Upon examining him in START AGAIN: a prologue]


Years prior to the events of both games, the man who would become the King washed up on a beach on a northern coast in Vaugarde. He had no memory of his past, his home, or himself.[3] Despite his lack of name and any worldly possessions, he was accepted into Vaugarde with open arms and settled in the city of Corbeaux for several years.[4]

He grew to love Vaugarde above everything because its people took him in when he had nothing.[5] However, he eventually discovered that he had not simply forgotten his home country. Instead, it completely vanished from the memory of all people. It was impossible to think about without incurring the wrath of some higher power, though, he gained the ability to remember fundamentals with sufficient practice.[6]

Now paranoid that Vaugarde would meet the same fate as his first home,[7] the King made a wish using his homeland's forgotten Wish Craft. He wished for a power to preserve Vaugarde forever, and received it in the form of dominion over Time Craft.[8] With his new ability to stop time for people and whole areas, he took on the title of King and slowly began freezing all of Vaugarde.[9] This phenomenon is widely referred to as "The King's Curse."

Eventually, he attacked the House in Dormont. He froze everyone within, and turned the House into his stronghold, corrupting it beyond recognition. Though only one housemaiden, Mirabelle, managed to escape, thanks to a blessing granted to her by the Head Housemaiden which rendered her immune to the King's Curse.[10][11]

Since the King locked off entry to the House using five Orbs,[12] Mirabelle began her own journey across Vaugarde to retrieve the orbs and stop the King.

Upon her return, she and her assembled party fought and defeated the King. Mirabelle reflected his own attack back at him, thus freezing him in time.[13] In his final moments, the King regains all memory of his home.[14]


The King is very tall, and has white hair long enough to cover the room he is found in. He wears a black suit of armor with large square shoulder plates, decorated by grey reflections and white stars on his gloves and knees; and a tall spiky black crown that indents over his forehead. He hides his face with his hands, which show Rock signs.


Despite his methods, the King generally speaks with a calm and collected cadence, even when insulted to his face. However, this facade breaks as soon as he gains the upper hand in battle and his opponents have no way of defending themselves. He then reveals to being a cruel and vicious individual, willing to resort to murder just to further his goal. He is even willing to kill Bonnie with his bare hands to torture Siffrin. The King is able to exploit this facade in order to gain the trust and sympathy of Siffrin.

He is also highly perceptive, not only able to immediately recognize where Siffrin is from, but also about their involvement with Wish Craft based on simple signs and the smell of sugar.



Loop looking away in disgust.

Despite never meeting in In Stars and Time, Loop holds a grudge against the King. They react with shock and disgust when Siffrin compares them to the King or implies they may be working together. [15] They also discourage Siffrin from talking to the King, calling him a "giant monster", and telling Siffrin that they would never have anything to say to him.[16]


Mirabelle with her hands up and preparing to strike.

Mirabelle opposes the King on a personal and ideological level. As a Housemaiden of Change, she detests his goal of freezing Vaugarde, thus eliminating all possibility of Change forever. She is determined to stop him, believing that life always goes on. [17] She also loathes him on a personal level, because he has invaded, frozen, and twisted her home, harming the people she is closest to. This is often seen when finding the various frozen people around the House.

Before the battle, the King makes a token effort to dissuade Mirabelle from fighting him by framing his conquest as a form of Change, which disgusts Mirabelle. [18] He gives up as soon as this tactic yields no results. Additionally, the King seems to hate Mirabelle the most out of all party members considering the Perfect Ending of START AGAIN: a prologue, in which he kills Mirabelle the most violently, and even continues beating her already dead body.[19]


Siffrin holding his dagger and preparing to strike.

As soon as the King meets Siffrin, he recognizes them as someone also hailing from the Forgotten Island from things like their accent, the "way they use craft," and the stitching of his cloak. [20] As such, he fixates on Siffrin above all other party members. Every time the two meet, he asks Siffrin if they remember the island. He is desperate for them to remember, and believes the two may be able to remember together. [21] Additionally, the King also attempts to sway Siffrin to his side whenever they talk by sharing his own past and the two's similarities. At multiple points during the loops, the King pleads with them to remember, to the point he risks his own death to say the island's name.[22]

However, as this tactic yields success, the King leverages Siffrin's trust in him against them by launching a surprise attack and killing Bonnie. Not only does he recognize Siffrin as a fellow countryman, but also as an user of Wish Craft. He is furious with them for stopping him so often, and views Siffrin as the ultimate obstacle to his goal. [23] Since the King is aware he cannot kill Siffrin permanently, he is willing to use any cruelty to break their spirit instead, threatening to kill all of Siffrin's friend and force them to watch.[24]

Though what the King tells Siffrin about himself may be genuine, it is ultimately a ploy to make them lower their guard, and the King considers Siffrin stupid if they fall for it.[25]

Siffrin's view on the King changes throughout the events of In Stars and Time. He is initially hostile toward the King, since he is the one freezing Vaugarde and attempting to harm Siffrin and their friends. However, this hostility is not particularly personal in nature.

As Siffrin discovers the shared past between himself and the King, he grows more sympathetic toward the King. They try to talk and reason with him, and also become invested in his attempts to remember the island, to the point of death. Despite this, Siffrin is unsettled upon noticing similarities in the two's thinking. [26]

After the events of ACT 3, Siffrin's sympathy shatters. They never attempt to reason with the King ever again, and develop a highly personal grudge. Siffrin becomes extremely violent with the King, wishing to maim and kill him, [27] and ultimately viewing his death at their hands as their last option to escape the timeloops in ACT 5. [28]


In Stars and Time


ISAT Enemy King.png
Craft Type Special rock.png Rock
Health 25000 Attack 175
Defense 130 Attack Speed 175
Luck 20 Experience 0

ENEMY KingsTears.png
Craft Type Variable
Health 3000 Attack 150
Defense 75 Attack Speed 190
Luck 1 Experience 0

ISAT Enemy King.png
The King (ACT 5)
Craft Type Rock
Health 10000 Attack 250
Defense 130 Attack Speed 150
Luck 20 Experience 0

Damage Multipliers:
Rock: 100%
Paper: 130%
Scissors: 90%

Though the battle itself awards no experience, Siffrin receives 10.000 experience in the first battle after talking to the Head Housemaiden, or 2.000 experience in the next battle after being defeated by the King.


The King

In ACT 5, the King lacks the following skills: [Attack (All, 2.5, Slow40%)], [Time Freeze (1Random, 100%)] and [Shake off Slow]. He gains the skill [KingSlow], which is used to gradually slow down Siffrin for dramatic effect.

[CUTSCENE (Waits...)]
THE KING waits...
Effect: None. Announces the King's special attack for the next turn.
Condition: King's first turn, or the turn after he reaches 40% HP.

[CUTSCENE StartAttack]
You see a vision of the future...
Effect: If not protected by Mirabelle's Adorable Moving Shield, deals 9999 damage to all allies.
Calculation: If protected by Adorable Moving Shield, King's Attack x 2 - Allies' Defense. If not, 9999 damage.
Deviation: 0%.
Condition: King waited the previous turn. Triggers on the King's second turn, or the second turn after he reaches 40% HP.

[Attack (1 Random, x2.5)]
THE KING cries...
Effect: Rock attack against a single ally.
Calculation: King's Attack x 2.5 - Ally's Defense
Deviation: 20%
Condition: Third turn onwards.

[Attack (All, x2)]
THE KING sobs...
Effect: Rock attack against all allies.
Calculation: King's Attack x 2 - Allies' Defense.
Deviation: 20%
Condition: Fourth turn onwards.

[Slow (All)]
You feel tired...
Effect: Inflicts Slow on all allies, removes Haste. (Speed reduced by 50%.)
Condition: Fourth turn onwards.

[Time Freeze (1Random, 100%)]
THE KING makes it all stop.
Effect: Inflicts Timestop on a single ally.
Condition: Fourth turn onwards.

[Attack (All, 2.5, Slow40%)]
THE KING whimpers...
Effect: Rock attack against all allies. Does not actually inflict Slow.
Calculation: King's Attack x 2 - Allies' Defense
Deviation: 20% Condition Sixth turn onwards.

[Shake off Slow]
THE KING shakes SLOW off and attacks!
Effect: Rock attack against all allies. Removes Slow from the King.
Calculation: King's Attack x 2.5 - Allies' Defense.
Condition: King is affected by Slow.

[King Slow]
THE KING looks at you...
Effect: Used only in ACT 5 to slow down Siffrin.

The King's Tears

[Atk Buff (Ally)]
THE KING'S TEARS give the King strength!
Effect: Grants Attack Up to the King. (Attack increased by 25%.)

[Def Buff (Ally]
THE KING'S TEARS get in front of the King!
Effect: Grants Defense Up to the King. (Defense increased by 25%.)

[Atk Debuff (All)]
You don't want to fight anymore...
Effect: Inflicts Attack Down on all allies. (Attack decreased by 25%.)

[Def Debuff (All)]
You don't want to protect yourself anymore...
Effect: Inflicts Defense Down on all allies. (Defense decreased by 25%.)

[Time Freeze (1Random 60%)]
THE KING'S TEARS wobbles toward you...
Effect: 60% chance to inflict Timestop on a single ally.
Condition: Third turn on the field onwards.


Despite his 25.000 HP, the battle ends once the King reaches 10% of HP, making his true HP value closer to 22.500.

If the King drops to below 70% HP (17.500) without the player having access to Adorable Moving Shield, his special attack triggers without a turn of warning. It is possible to circumvent instant death by using Memory of Looping to push Siffrin's HP to over 5000, then guard the King's special attack to only receive 5000 damage.

Since this measure to prevent sequence breaking only triggers once per battle, after this point it is entirely possible to defeat the King and enter ACT 3 without obtaining Adorable Moving Shield.[29] Further effects of this on the game's progression are undocumented.


The first fight against the King in ACT 2 is a scripted defeat that can only be circumvented with specific methods, which is not recommended.

The main difficulty in fighting the King lies in ACT 2. Several options exist to make this fight easier before the battle even begins.

The first is to level up Siffrin's allies in order to unlock powerful Skills. Particularly Odile's Level 49 skill Paper α V is advantageous, as it deals huge Paper damage that the King is weak to. Additionally, Isabeau's Level 49 Skill BREAK, BREAK!!! can lower the King's defense to increase damage and shorten the battle's duration. At the bare minimum, Mirabelle's Level 47 Lovely Moving Cure Skill should be unlocked to counteract the King's Timestop abilities. Without Mirabelle's Skill, Timestop can only be cured using Jackpots.

Isabeau in particular also benefits from the Papier-mâché Hands. They are located in the Pottery Room on Floor 3 and change Isabeau's basic attack type to Paper. Rock type attacks deal neutral damage to the King whereas Paper attacks receive a 30% bonus. Not only does this significantly increase Isabeau's damage potential, it also allows him to contribute to Paper type Jackpots, which are the best Jackpot type when fighting the King.

Furthermore, the player can obtain many items inside the House. In addition to the many healing items that increase survivability, the most useful item is the Salty Broth, which reduces all Skill Cooldowns for a single ally by six. This lets Mirabelle reuse Adorable Moving Shield in a pinch. A large hoard of items can be found in Floor 3's Secret Room. The path to this room is hidden in the room at the end of the lower right hallway with a dog inside. By interacting with the space between the wall and a shelf with rubble in front of it, Siffrin finds a crack in the wall leading to a hidden passage.

Another major help in this battle is the KnifeKey, an optional weapon for Siffrin. Despite having a lower Attack stat than the Garden Scissors (17 for the Knifekey and 25 for the Garden Scissors), it grants a permanent 25% Attack Up to all allies for the entire duration of the battle against the King. To obtain the KnifeKey, Siffrin has to pick up the Sharpening Stone on Floor 1's forge, then use it on the KeyKnife before using it to open Floor 3's final door. Siffrin fails to sharpen the KeyKnife the first time. To remind Siffrin how to sharpen knives correctly, they must interact with the carving tools on Floor 2's Trap Room (i.e. the room past the row of tears containing the Scissors Key). Now, when using the Sharpening Stone again, Siffrin successfully obtains the KnifeKey as well as the Memory of KnifeKey. This memory automatically equips Siffrin with the KnifeKey when looping to the last save point before the King. If this Memory is not equipped, the Knifekey has to be obtained by sharpening the KeyKnife every single time.

Lastly, the player can obtain a Bomb that deals roughly 3.000 damage to the King when thrown. To procure the Bomb, Siffrin first needs to learn what an openphrase is by interacting with a locked door inside the House. Then, open the locked house in eastern Dormont using the openphrase "Change". Inside is the Long Thingy-Thing, the first ingredient for the Bomb. The second ingredient, the Short Gizmo-Gadget, is located in Mirabelle's room on Floor 3, inside the dresser belonging to her roommate. The third and last Secret Ingredient can be obtained by interacting with Mirabelle's frozen roommate in the last hallway before the final snack break again. By interacting with any of the ingredients in the Souvenirs tab of the menu, Isabeau combines the three into a Bomb. Siffrin also obtains Memory of Bomb, which places the Bomb in his inventory if he loops to the last savepoint before the King with it equipped.

However, if the Bomb is used before obtaining Adorable Moving Shield, it only deals roughly 1000 damage.

Memory of KnifeKey and Memory of Bomb are exclusive and only one of them can be equipped at a time. To have both the KnifeKey and the Bomb in a single battle, both must be regained manually.

Battle Strategy

With all preparations complete, the actual battle can begin. On the King's first turn, he waits. This is the sign he is going to use his instant K.O. attack on the next turn. However, it is unwise to use Mirabelle's Adorable Moving Shield immediately. Typically, Mirabelle has two or three turns before the King's big attack, which can be used to boost Attack with Pretty Buffy Friend or to start building toward a Jackpot with Artsy Silent Burst. In this free turn, it is best to leave Defense buffs for last, boost speed using Siffrin's Make Up The Time, boost attack with Mirabelle, debuff the King's defense, and attack with Odile's hard hitting Paper attacks.

Once the King's special attack creeps up, apply defensive buffs and Mirabelle's Adorable Moving Shield. Her shield only lasts three turns for a single character, so be careful that it does not run out for a specific ally. This is liable to happen to a high level Siffrin, or when passing turns to a single character using Siffrin and Isabeau. Guarding halves damage received from this attack, and is thus recommended for Siffrin and Mirabelle, who are particularly vulnerable to it. In early versions of the game, if Siffrin is defeated by this attack, the entire party also dies, regardless of how much damage they have actually taken. This was patched in version

In general for this battle, counteract debuffs as they arise, especially when the King inflicts Slow on all allies. Keep up buffs with Isabeau and spices, otherwise primarily deal Paper type damage using Odile. Odile is the primary damage dealer in this battle. Watch out for the cooldown on Mirabelle's healing skills, specifically Adorable Moving Shield and Lovely Moving Cure. If Mirabelle needs to use one of these when still on cooldown, use a Salty Broth and pass Siffrin or Isabeau's turn to her in case of emergency. Do not be shy about using items - there is no opportunity to use items after this, and they reset after every loop anyways.

Take note that regular Attack buffs, the Attack buff from the Knifekey, the Attack and Critical boost from Turn It Up or YOUR TURN!!!, and Isabeau's WE WILL WIN!!! all stack, since all grant different buffs. When using all of these buffs on Odile, she deals devestating damage in a single turn with Paper α V. Setting up combos in this vein tends to be more useful than dealing several smaller instances of damage, especially since all damage should be of the same type.

Early in the game, it is difficult for Siffrin to meaningfully contribute to dealing damage due to his ineffectual Scissors type. Wasting a turn by guarding is more valuable than breaking a Jackpot by using an attack of a different type, which severely hinders Siffrin and Mirabelle. However, he can still pass turns using Turn It Up, top up buffs using spices, or heal allies with items. The best user for additional turns is Odile, since her Paper type means she has the highest damage dealing potential. Isabeau best serves by using buffs and debuffs as needed, and when not, using basic attacks with the Papier-mâché Hands.

Once the King's HP drop below 70% and holds the first part of his speech, he summons Tears. These buff the King and debuff the party, so they should be removed as soon as possible. For this purpose, it is best to save the Bomb until the tears are summoned. The Bomb defeats the Tears instantly. If they are not defeated, they heal the King for 10% of his HP once he drops below 40%, which also makes the Tears disappear.

At 40% HP, the King holds the second part of his speech. After this, he waits one turn and then repeats his special attack. Later in the game, it is common for this phase to be reached before Adorable Moving Shield comes out of cooldown. Use a Salty Broth as needed, recast the shield, and guard with vulnerable party members.

From here, very little of the fight is left. Keep going as before. The King is defeated once 10% of his HP remain. He is automatically slain once the last cutscene finishes.

START AGAIN: a prologue


SASASAP Enemy King.png
Craft Type Rock
Stats Taken Damage
Health 40000 Agility 260 Rock 100%
Attack 240 Craft Attack 190 Paper 110%
Defense 150 Craft Defense 150 Scissors 90%
Luck 200 Experience 10000

SASASAP Enemy King's Tears.png
Craft Type None
Stats Taken Damage
Health 6000 Agility 240 Rock 100%
Attack 250 Craft Attack 150 Paper 100%
Defense 100 Craft Defense 75 Scissors 100%
Luck 30 Experience 0


The King

King Attack 1
THE KING sobs...
Effect: Rock attack against a single ally.
Calculation: King's Attack x 7 - Ally's Defense x 2
Deviation: 20%
Condition: 50% to 100% HP

King Attack All
THE KING strikes!
Effect: Rock attack against all allies.
Calculation: King's Attack x 7 - Allies' Defense x 2
Deviation: 20%

Stop ATB
THE KING screams and startles everyone!
Effect: Decreases all allies' action bars by 60%.
Condition: 50% to 100% HP

THE KING casts Slow!
Effect: Inflicts Slow on all allies. Removes Haste.
Condition: Turn 3 onwards.

THE KING wishes for your end...
Effect: Inflicts Timefreeze on a single ally. Removes Haste and Slow.
Condition: 50% to 100% HP

shake off slow
THE KING shakes SLOW off and stikes!
Effect: Rock attack against all allies. Removes Slow from the King.
Calculation: King's Attack x 7 - Allies' Defense x 2
Deviation: 20%
Condition: King is affected by Slow.

THE KING is preparing something...
Effect: No effect. Warns about his instant K.O. attack next turn. Used in non-True and non-Perfect Ending battles.

THE KING closes his eyes. You see a vision of the future...
Effect: Deals 9999 damage to all allies and inflicts Timefreeze. Used in all non-True Ending battles. Used without charge on Perfect Ending battle.

Cutscene Big King Vision
THE KING closes his eyes. You see a vision of the future...
Effect: Strong attack against all allies. 30% chance to inflict Timefreeze. Used during the True Ending battle.
Calculation: King's Attack x 11 - Allies' Defense x 2
Deviation: 20%
Condition: 35% HP remaining. Used only after the prerequisite cutscene.

The King's Tears

THE KING'S TEARS jumps out!
Effect: Inflicts Timefreeze on a single ally. Removes Haste and Slow.

THE KING'S TEARS casts Slow!
Effect: Inflicts Slow on the entire party. Removes Haste.


As with In Stars and Time, the battle against the King ends when he reaches 10% HP, making his true HP stat 36000 instead of 40000. A true battle against him only occurs on the path to the True Ending, signified by a snack break prior to entering the King's room. In any other scenario, a loss against him is guaranteed.

Due to the absence of several helpful mechanics, like Bonnie's bonus actions or the Jackpot system, Start Again's King is often considered more difficult than his later counterpart. However, with the right strategy, he's beatable with significantly less preparation.

Before fighting him, every party member should ideally level up once. This is because all of them will gain a single additional Skill, excluding Mirabelle, who gains her skill in the library. The most important of these are Odile's Level 47 Paper α V for additional damage, and Siffrin's Healy Bealy for greater supportive capabilities. Additionally, picking up items around the House is of great benefit as well, especially Super Sour Tonics, which fully heal the entire party. Three of these should be available.

Unlike In Stars and Time, the King does not start the battle with his special attack. Regardless, all party members have at least one turn before he has the chance to act. Set up all available buffs here. These include Siffrin's Make Up The Time for Agility, Isabeau's COME ON!!! for Defense, and Mirabelle's Pretty Buffy Friend for Attack. Even without spices, it is possible to permanently keep up buffs just with these skills alone. Despite the temptation to, Odile should not cast Slow on the King, as that triggers a guaranteed attack against all allies. In return, if the King casts Slow on the party, counter with Siffrin's Make Up The Time or with Thyme. Allow the King as few turns as possible to deal damage.

The King primarily varies between attacks against a single party member and against the whole party. Even Mirabelle can withstand a targeted attack from full HP, but not much more than that. Ideally, the King uses his attack which delay's the party's turns, as the damage dealt there is minimal. Defensive play is best — keep up buffs at all times, particularly Defense and Speed. Primary attackers are Odile and Siffrin. Odile deals slightly more damage than other party members, though her Paper attacks actually only receive a 10% benefit. Siffrin is the most powerful. He can use (Just attack) every four turns, and should do so, as it deals nearly 2000 damage. If they can attack with a power up through Isabeau's YOUR TURN!!! and an Attack buff from Mirabelle, even better. Additionally, Siffrin's Knife To Meet You deals neutral damage, and has a high critical hit chance. Even without a critical hit, it deals about 800 damage and can be used without Cooldown. Thus, on every turn that Siffrin is not needed to buff Agility or heal with Healy Bealy or with items, Siffrin should attack.

It is crucial to the battle to keep Mirabelle alive. Not only is she the only character capable of curing Timefreeze, which the King uses more frequently as the battle progresses, but she is also capable of healing the entire party at once. If Mirabelle is low on HP, heal her immediately. She is the primary support, and without her, the party is entirely dependant on items, which run out fast. On turns she does not heal or buff, she can attack with Artsy Silent Burst, though the Skill is not particularly powerful.

Isabeau is needed to keep up Defense buffs. Compared to Odile and Siffrin, his attacks do less damage on average. He can use I'LL PROTECT YOU!!! to supplement his abilities, but it may be more beneficial to pass his turns to Siffrin and Odile as needed. He can also decrease Cooldowns by 1 with KEEP GOING!!!, which enables Siffrin to use (Just attack) more often or lets Mirabelle heal.

Halfway through the battle, at 50% HP remaining, the King summons The King's Tears. These should be dealt with immediately. They can either inflict Timefreeze on a single ally, which can turn the battle sour quickly, or slow down the entire party. In a perfect scenario, the Tears target Mirabelle with their Timefreeze attack, which wastes their turn due to her immunity to the effect.

At 35% HP remaining, the King charges his special attack. He charges the attack as soon as the cutscene finishes, regardless of where he is in the turn order. Guard immediately, especially with Mirabelle. If the King's ATB bar is still low, it may be worth applying a Defense Buff with Isabeau, since he has the highest chance of surviving the attack without guarding, and if he does go K.O., it is much less severe a blow than if Siffrin or Mirabelle did. This attack deals, when guarding, about 2500 damage to all party members. Due to her typing, Odile has high odds of surviving, as does Isabeau thanks to his high HP and Defense. Heal surviving party member's with Mirabelle's Super Sparkle Prism Heal or Sour Tonics first, to reduce the chance of a full party K.O. Then revive any K.O. party members on the next turn.

To summarize, keep up buffs at all times and play defensively. Do not be shy about healing, especially for Mirabelle or Siffrin. Use Siffrin and Odile as primary attackers, and use Isabeau and Mirabelle as support. Once the King's Tears apear, defeat them as soon as possible. When the King prepares his special attack, guard immediately. With patient play, defeating him is possible even with minimal grinding.


  • His hair feels like straw to the touch[30].
  • If somebody were to ask the King about his birthday, he would start crying for hours[31].
  • When fighting the King in In Stars and Time, there is a 25% chance every turn that the battle text when selecting an action just reads "Stars." instead of its regular appearance.


Click to view the gallery for The King
Click to view the gallery for
The King.


show/hide references

  1. "The King is either in his 30s or in his 70s there is no inbetween."insertdisc5 in the Reddit AMA
  3. "One day...... I just woke up on a beach, on a coast north of Vaugarde. I woke up slowly, as people sometimes do, expecting to remember where I was, what I was supposed to be doing that day...... But...... Nothing came to mind. And as I realized nothing came to mind, I also realized...... I could not remember a single thing." — The King in ACT 3, In Stars and Time
  4. Siffrin: "He really isn't Vaugardian, then?"
    Mirabelle: Oh, apparently not."
    Isabeau: This article says there's no record of him anywhere... Up until he appeared out of thin air sometime in his adulthood. Looks like he lived in the city of Corbeaux for a few years before he became the King..."
    — Whene examining the newspapers in the Writing Dorm, In Stars and Time
  5. "Vaugarde...... Is perfect. [...] Such welcoming, creative people. Always willing to welcome travelers in, even travelers with no name, no home to speak of...... Such...... Precious memories...... It is perfect. I do not want it to change. I want it to stay exactly how it is. So it cannot ever be destroyed." — The King, when asked "Why are you doing this?", In Stars and Time
  6. "The way you knew about my home, the way you can keep it at the forefront of your mind, like you've practiced as I have." — The King to Siffrin at the end of ACT 3, In Stars and Time
  7. King: If you only know it has been erased from your memory, because something happened to your home...... And if SOMETHING happened, but no one remembers what, or why...... Then......"
    Siffrin: "...Then, what's stopping it from happening again?"
    — At the end of ACT 3, In Stars and Time
  8. "What else? I wished for power...... The power to make my true wish come true......! The power to Craft myself as a deity, the power to freeze time!!!" — The King when asked "What did you wish for?", In Stars and Time
  9. "His conquest was slow enough that the Vaugardian press had time to write about him, I remember that..." — Odile, when examining the newspapers in the Writing Dorm, In Stars and Time
  10. "I'm so glad I managed to give you some power before the King's Curse took over me!" — The Head Housemaiden, when talking to Mirabelle, In Stars and Time
  11. "Dormont itself hasn't changed much, but the House... ... We can see it from the village, you know. How distorted it has become. I was the only one who managed to escape the House when the King attacked... So many people must be hurt..." — Mirabelle when asked "How are you feeling?" in Dormont, In Stars and Time
  12. Odile: "It really is locked shut. I can see space for us to put the Orbs... "
    Mirabelle: This whole adventure... This whole journey... After all this time... I can finally open it!"
    — When opening the door to the House, In Stars and Time
  13. Mirabelle: "But if you want eternity so bad, then--!!! TAKE THIS!!!"
    King: "Ah--! [...] Your shield...... My attack...... Has been..... Reflected back...... To me......? I'm being...... Frozen?"
    — Final fight against the King in ACT 5, In Stars and Time
  14. "Why now, of all times...... I see it...... I can see it!!!!!! The mountains, covered in trees and warm rocks!!! [...] Aaaaaah...... I remember i t, n o w...... I r e m e m b e r i t a l l" — The King upon being frozen, In Stars and Time
  15. Siffrin: "Do you control the King?"
    Loop: "CONTROL HIM?!? Hm. I wish."
    Siffrin: "Are you working with him, then?"
    Loop: "Ew, no." — Loop and Siffrin, when Siffrin asks about Loop's relationship to the King, In Stars and Time
  16. "He's a giant monster who might be related to the reason why you're trapped in time. I would never have anything to say to him. — Loop, at the start of ACT 3., In Stars and Time
  17. ""Life will never get better than this, so you should give up now"? GIVE ME A BREAK!!! The eternity you wish for... I want no part of it!!! WE WANT NO PART OF IT!!! WE WILL NOT GIVE IN!!! Because your eternity means the end of change!!! And I believe in change, King! I believe in a life that goes on!!! Things CANNOT stay the same! They can't! They won't!!! Or we as humans cannot change for the better! So I will NEVER let you have your way!!!" — Mirabelle, before striking the final blow against the King., In Stars and Time
  18. King: Young housemaiden...... In a way... Isn't my wish a form of Change? Why aren't you on my side......?" [...] "Ah...... Can't you feel it, young lady......? The Universe yearns for everyone's hopes to be encased in limitless ice...... Won't you allow your fate to be ended......?"
    Mirabelle: Corrupting and ending people's lives? You call this a form of Change? You DARE compare your dreams of ice and stillness to Change themselves?! This is NOT true Change! This is just you, acting as a god would, for your own satisfaction!" — The King and Mirabelle, before their battle, In Stars and Time
  19. (The King throws the Housemaiden's body onto the floor again.)
    (She hasn't said a word or breathed for a long time.)
    — Siffrin's monologue during the Perfect Ending, START AGAIN: a prologue
  20. "Everything, from your accent, to the way you use Craft, to the stitching on your cloak and hat, to those pins you wear-- You should remember!!! You and I, of all people standing here, should remember!!!!!!" — The King when Siffrin asks "What should I remember?", In Stars and Time
  21. "PLEASE!!!!!! IF WE SAY IT TOGETHER, TWO PEOPLE OF THE SAME COUNTRY, I'M SURE WE CAN-- WE CAN REMEMBER IT!!! PLEASE!!!!!!" — The King, when Siffrin asks "Where are you from?", In Stars and Time
  22. Each time Siffrin and the King attempt to say the island's name in ACT 3, both of them take damage. The last time the King tries, with or without Siffrin, the two take 9999 damage and die, after already suffering extensive injury from previous attempts.
  23. "I saw it all, you know. I saw the signs. The way you came in to face me. Like you knew exactly what you were about to fight. The way your companions all flinched, hearing my voice, but not you. The way you knew about my home, the way you can keep it at the forefront of your mind, like you've practiced as I have. Yes...... Oooooh, ooooooooh, I can tell! I can tell, Siffrin!!!!!! I SHOULD'VE WON!!!!!! I SHOULD'VE WON LONG AGO!!!!!! But something went wrong, didn't it? VICTORY KEEPS ESCAPING MY GRASP!!!!!! Siffrin. It's you, isn't it? The one who's keeping me from winning? HOW MANY TIMES HAVE YOU KEPT ME FROM VICTORY, SIFFRIN?" — The King to Siffrin at the end of ACT 3, In Stars and Time
  24. "YOU'RE THE ONE KEEPING ME FROM TOTAL VICTORY! YOU'RE THE ONE KEEPING ME FROM MY PERFECT ENDING!!!!!! IF ONLY...... IF ONLY YOU WEREN'T HERE..... But, ah. A quick death would be too easy for you. You'd just come back anyway, won't you? So...... I just need to make sure that today...... You learn your lesson." [...] "Bright one. Siffrin. Look at me. You need to learn to not cross me again. I will kill this child. And your Housemaiden. And your Fighter. And your Researcher. I will kill them all, one after the other. I will kill them all now, and make sure you remember. I will force you to watch. So you will learn." — The King to Siffrin at the end of ACT 3, In Stars and Time
  25. "Is this really all I needed to do? To make you trust me? I just needed to listen to your empty words, to tell you how sad I am, to make you think I was pathetic, to be pitied? You should have told me sooner. Killing you like this is easier than fighting." — The King to Siffrin at the end of ACT 3, In Stars and Time
  26. (After the country was forgotten, the King was welcomed by Vaugarde, wasn't he?)
    (Welcomed, and helped, and loved.)
    (To the point where he sees Vaugarde as "perfect".)
    (But... No one knows why the country was forgotten.)
    (What's keeping Vaugarde from being forgotten the exact same way?)
    (Wasn't it his duty, as thanks for welcoming him, to make sure such a fate would never befall Vaugarde?)
    (What else could he do but make sure this perfect country was preserved in amber forever?)
    (How could he ever let go?)
    (... You understand the King more than you'd like to.)
    (But... But still, he's...) — Siffrin's monologue upon retrieving the Mirror Picture in ACT 3, In Stars and Time
  27. (Curse him, curse him, curse him.)
    (You want to kill the King, reduce him into a fine paste grab his throat and squeeze tear his hair out until his skull is nothing left but blood and bone)
    [...] (You want him to DIE!!!)
    (And you suppose you'll get the chance to kill him yourself soon.) — Siffrin's monologue when dying to the King after ACT 3, In Stars and Time
  28. [...] "And if everyone's wish is centered on me... And if I'm the only one who's looping and remembering... And if time keeps rewinding after I kill the King... The Head Housemaiden said it might be because the wish hasn't come true, right? So... Isn't it rewinding because it's not me, the person who's in the middle of this, killing the King?!?" — Siffrin talking to Loop at the start of ACT 5, In Stars and Time
  29. beating the king without mira's shield (ISAT SPOILERS). Retrieved on February 21, 2024.
  30. "Feels like weird straw?" - Bonnie, upon interacting with the hair on the wall in START AGAIN: a prologue
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