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Once you are finished conversing with your friends about the upcoming journey, talk to each of your friends at least once. Once you have, you are free to end the game at any point by talking to the Head Housemaiden. However, after the initial conversations, you may talk to each of your friends multiple times. They will have some additional conversations available to have by default, but will have extra available conversations and/or additional dialogue added to default conversations depending on if you have obtained certain Memories.

Obtaining Memory of Learning and/or Memory of Change God enables additional dialogue for Mirabelle.

Obtaining Memory of Confession, Memory of Touch, and/or Memory of Puns enables additional dialogue for Isabeau.

Obtaining Memory of Snacks and/or Memory of Promise enables additional dialogue for Bonnie.

Obtaining Memory of A Secret enables additional dialogue for Odile.

You are free to leave the final room as well. Head down to enter the hallway, in which there will be various Housemaidens and other unfrozen people to talk to. Head down further to head back to Dormont, which your friends will accompany you to. Mirabelle will ask you to give her thanks to Loop. Head down to central Dormont, in which there will be an ongoing party. There are many villagers available to talk to. You may head to the Favor Tree in order to talk to Loop.

If you have not obtained the achievement What was that about...?, then Siffrin will arrive at the Favor Tree with no trace of Loop to be seen. He will leave his Silver Coin at the tree and walk away.

If you have obtained the achievement, Siffrin will arrive at the Favor Tree with seemingly no trace of Loop to be seen, only to then notice another Silver Coin placed where Loop used to sit. Examine this other Silver Coin in front of the Favor Tree. Loop will appear and converse with you, then initiate battle.

They are initially easily defeated, but will reveal they can loop back once their health is depleted. Attack them as frequently as possible and keep your health up when it gets too low. You may use your limited supply of items to boost your stats and recover your health. After they loop back four times, they will initiate their second phase and their attacks will become stronger. Defeat them two more times to end the battle.

Regardless of whether you win or lose the battle, Siffrin and Loop will have a final conversation. Head back to Dormont.

Once you are finished in Dormont, head back up to where your friends are and talk to Isabeau to head back to the final room. Continue conversing with your friends or talk to the Head Housemaiden to end the game.


New Items


Optional Events

Secret Boss Fight


Icon Name Description Requirements
Achievement Like Talking To Yourself.jpg Like talking to yourself Hidden. Have one last chat with Loop. Go back and talk to Loop during Act 6 after showing them the silver coin after learning about The Incident (What was that about…?)
Achievement And Scene.jpg Aaaaaand SCENE!!! Hidden. Get to the end. See the credits.

Changes from ACT 5


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ACT 6.
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