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Pockets is an inventory category in In Stars and Time. It's where consumables (such as Tonics) as well as other non-permanent items (such as door Keys) are stored.

In Stars and Time

Battle items

Name Description
GAMEICON 103.png Sour Tonic Drink that heals 50% of a friend's HP.

Tastes sour...

GAMEICON 104.png Super Sour Tonic Drink that heals 40% of everyone's HP.

Makes you do a kissy face when you drink it!

GAMEICON 108.png Crafted Water Drink that revives a FramelessKO'd (friend/ally), restoring 60% of their HP. Tastes fruity!
GAMEICON 107.png Pepper Juice Boosts everyone's ATTACK. The spice will make you strong!
GAMEICON 107.png Ginger Juice Boosts everyone's DEFENSE.

Did you know ginger helps you not be sick?

GAMEICON 107.png Thyme Juice Makes everyone FASTER. Apparently this is a fun wordplay in some languages...
GAMEICON 105.png Sweet Tonic Drink that completely recovers one (friend/ally)'s HP. Tastes sweet! So sweet!
GAMEICON 106.png Super Sweet Tonic Drink that completely heals everyone's HP.

Makes you smile when you drink it!

GAMEICON 109.png Salty Broth Drink that lowers all of a friend's Craft Skill FramelessCOOLDOWNS by 6. So salty?!?
GAMEICON 96.png Your Dagger To use on yourself.
GAMEICON 110.png Bomb It's a bomb!!! Use it once to do some big damage.


Name Description
GAMEICON 88.png Circle Key A key adorned with a keychain shaped like concentric circles.
GAMEICON 88.png Egg Key A key adorned with an egg-shaped keychain.
GAMEICON 88.png Broken Egg Key A key adorned with a broken egg-shaped keychain.
GAMEICON 88.png Rock Key A key adorned with a Rock hand-shaped keychain.
GAMEICON 88.png Paper Key A key adorned with a Paper hand-shaped keychain.
GAMEICON 88.png Scissors Key A key adorned with a Scissors hand-shaped keychain.
GAMEICON 88.png Smiling Key A key adorned with a keychain shaped like a smiling mask.
GAMEICON 88.png Angry Key A key adorned with a keychain shaped like an angry mask.
GAMEICON 88.png Crying Key A key adorned with a keychain shaped like a crying mask.

Found on the 2nd floor.

GAMEICON 88.png Empty Key (Before interacting with the Floor 3 gate) A key adorned with a keychain shaped like a mask. It doesn't have an expression.

(After interacting with the Floor 3 gate) A useless key. Can't be used on the gate.

GAMEICON 88.png Star Crest A crest shaped like a star.

There's a teardrop engraved onto it.

GAMEICON 88.png Star Crest A crest shaped like a star.

There's a clock engraved onto it.

GAMEICON 88.png Star Crest A crest shaped like a star.

There's another star engraved onto it.

GAMEICON 88.png KeyKnife (Before sharpening the KeyKnife) This knife should let you cut through the King's hair, but probably just once.

(After sharpening the KeyKnife) This KeyKnife currently also moonlights as a KnifeKey. So versatile!


Name Description
GAMEICON 151.png Memory of Skirmish (In ACT1) Pew! Bam! Kapow! Easy-peasy! [Use to know how many *Frameless you have.]

(In ACT2) Not gonna be done anytime soon. [Use to know how many * you have.]

(In ACT3 and above) Too many to count. [Use to know how many * you have.]

GAMEICON 151.png Memory of Battle It'll keep getting easier. Or is it harder?

[Worth 5 Memories of Skirmish.]

GAMEICON 151.png Memory of Conflict Defeating a King. What does that make you?

[Worth 10 Memories of Skirmish.]


  • While the dialogue given for obtaining a Salty Broth for the first time states it as decreasing cooldowns by 2[1], it actually decreases them by 6; this is reflected in the item's description.
  • When obtaining a Crafted Water for the first time, in both the In Stars and Time DEMO and START AGAIN: a prologue, Bonnie remarks that "someone at school told [them] it was just coconut water"[2]: however, interestingly enough, Odile only disproves this in the Prologue[3], while having no reaction in the Demo.
  • While Craft skills change from referring to party members as "friends" to referring to them as "allies" as the Demo progresses[4], item descriptions use both at any given time[5].

See also


show/hide references

  1. "[Drinking a Salty Broth in battle will lower all of someone's Craft cooldowns by 2, so they're very useful! Use them wisely!]" - in In Stars and Time DEMO
  2. "Someone at school told me it was just coconut water!" (Bonnie); "Wait... is it?" (Mirabelle)
  3. "Wait... is it?" (Mirabelle); "It's NOT." (Odile) - in START AGAIN: a prologue
  4. "Cures Special time.png FROZEN for one friend. 3 turn Isat cooldown.png." - Mirabelle's "Lovely Moving Cure" skill; "Cures Special time.png FROZEN for one ally. 3 turn Isat cooldown.png." - the same skill after viewing the Snacks cutscene at the end of Act 1 in In Stars and Time DEMO
  5. (See: Crafted Water and Salty Broth descriptions in the Demo.)
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