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Stressed, depressed, and under duress. (Don't worry about it. They're doing fine.) The punmaster protagonist of our neverending tale.

[Steam description for In Stars and Time][4]

Siffrin (pronounced seef-reen) is the main protagonist of In Stars and Time and START AGAIN: a prologue.


It's you!

[Siffrin's Profile page in In Stars and Time]


Siffrin originally hails from an island nation north of Vaugarde. They lived with presumably loving parents and friends, until he one day ran away from home to scare his parents because they did not want to eat vegetables. Upon taking his family's small boat and rowing out to sea, Siffrin turned around, only to find their home completely gone.[5] All memory of the island had been erased from the world, leaving Siffrin with near total amnesia. He had forgotten his home, his family, their language, and even their given name.[6]

After this event, Siffrin became a traveler. He visited both Ka Bue[7] and Poteria[8] at least once before arriving in Vaugarde. Once there, Siffrin encountered Mirabelle's group by chance. The group had been attacked by a particularly strong Sadness, which Siffrin saved them from. Afterward, Mirabelle invited him to join her on her quest to save Vaugarde from the King. Siffrin agreed on account of not having anything better to do. Thus, Siffrin became the fourth member of the group, joining after Odile but before Bonnie.[9]

During the journey, Siffrin lost his left eye protecting Bonnie from a stray Sadness.[10]


Siffrin is 155 cm (5'1") tall[11][12] and described as scrawny[13], with white skin and short, wavy hair that is mainly white, but goes to black towards the back ends, and is messy from not brushing often[14]. He wears a big white pointy hat with a very wide brim, and a large white cloak with visible frizzes and two safety pins below the collar. Their left eye (on the viewer's right) is covered by a black eyepatch, and they wear short black gloves with black sleeves visible as well, and black pants.

He wields a double-edged dagger with a significant curve, almost appearing like a short sickle.


Siffrin is a fairly jovial person, often making jokes and puns to his friends; they self-describe as a "funnyjokespun person"[15]. He uses them both regularly, to cheer up people around them (such as Mirabelle), and in battle, as names for his Craft skills.
They are described as worriless[16], perceptive[1], and easygoing[17][18]; but on the other hand, he is also forgetful[1][19], and sometimes impatient[20].

Internally, however, they appear to have very complicated feelings: often getting upset at themself over little things (e.g. referring to themself as a "monster"[21] and a "terrible rude awful person"[22] for accidentally upsetting Mirabelle in the Demo), or things he has little to no control over (e.g. berating himself for missing the trap and dying[23]).
These feelings are only exacerbated by the time loop, as seen in START AGAIN: a prologue, where his personality is entirely different: although he pretends everything is fine to the party, as not to upset them[24], their internal dialogue shows they are hopeless about their situation, and profoundly depressed.

They care very deeply for the party, but hide a lot of secrets from them (e.g. he has never talked about his family to them[25]).


  • Theater
    • Siffrin's love for theater is especially apparent in their internal monologue and framing of events,[26] as well as theatrical habits..[27]
  • They also like poetry and memoirs[28], and wood carvings[11], their favorite seasons are winter and summer[11], favorite drink is sugarcane juice[11], favorite animal is cat[28], and their favorite color is black[11]. They like palmiers[29], prefer socks over slippers[11], and know coin tricks and some sleight of hand[28].
    • They like all sorts of chocolate[30], and are the most likely to try "weird" flavors, such as hot pepper or bacon.


  • Potatoes
    • Even though they dislike potatoes, they do like fries.[1]
  • They are afraid of ghosts.[31]


  • Wood carving


  • Siffrin often bumps their hip into corners of counters or tables: this is likely due to having only one eye, causing weaker depth perception. Odile comments on this in both In Stars and Time[32] and the Prologue.[33]
  • Siffrin is asexual, alongside Mirabelle — but unlike her, is not described as aroace[3], suggesting that Siffrin is alloromantic. He is also nonbinary.[34]
  • Siffrin is ambidextrous[35], and is also the fastest person out of the party[36]
  • Siffrin's hair is naturally white; the black parts were dyed months prior to the game[37].
  • They can draw sketches, but they are better at woodcarving[38].
  • They have a surprisingly high tolerance for spices, but do not love or hate them[39].
  • They do not know how to beatbox[40].
  • They sometimes drink alcohol[41]. While drunk, they are generally sleepy and smiley, but with a "10% maudlin drunk chance".
    • The version of Siffrin seen in START AGAIN: a prologue would be an alcoholic, if there was more alcohol in the House. As it stands, there is only one bottle of wine.
  • Siffrin wears gloves both because it looks cool, and because it stops him from biting his nails[11].
  • They are knowledgeable about traps[42]: one of their roles within the party is to protect everyone from them[43][44].
  • Alongside Odile, they are one of the two party members who are not from Vaugarde and do not follow the Change belief[45].
    • This often leads to them questioning, or being confused by, things relating back to either of them; such as not getting why Mirabelle, Isabeau and Bonnie are upset at the mention of crab being cooked, asking about Change symbolism such as concentric circles or the egg/broken egg keychains on the keys in the House of Change, or never having seen a word lock.
  • Craftology speaking, they are Piercing Craft; described by the Prologue, full game, and Demo as "Determined! Brave! Honest!", but only not by the Demo as "Callous. Aimless. Manipulative."
  • They have a total of 139 portraits in In Stars and Time[46], making them the character with the most amount of portraits.
    • On the other hand, they only have 17 portraits in START AGAIN: a prologue, making them the character with the least portraits in that game, other than the King.

In Stars and Time



Displayed stats do not include Memories or Equipment.


Siffrin is the only character to retain all Skills between loops. All regular Skills are unavailable for ACT 5, but are regained in ACT 6. In return, Skills used in ACT 5 are only available in ACT 5 and nowhere else.

Name Description Cooldown Availability
Knife To Meet You Deals SCISSORS damage to one enemy. Might lower enemy's GAMEICON 51.pngDEFENSE. 1 turnGAMEICON 6.png Available by default.
Too Cleaver by Half Deals SCISSORS damage to all enemies. Might lower enemies' GAMEICON 50.pngATTACK. 3 turnGAMEICON 6.png Available by default.
GAMEICON 12.png Make Up The Time Makes all friends GAMEICON 10.pngFASTER for a few turns. 3 turnGAMEICON 6.png Available by default.
GAMEICON 67.png Turn It Up Give your turn to a friend, GAMEICON 67.pngBOOSTING their GAMEICON 34.pngATK and GAMEICON 36.pngCRIT CHANCE. 1 turnGAMEICON 6.png Available by default.
Buy One Get One Three Deals three SCISSORS hits to one enemy. High chance of doing a Critical hit. 2 turnGAMEICON 6.png Level 48.
GAMEICON 66.png Done Heal Heal 30% of a friend's HP and boosts their GAMEICON 34.pngATTACK. 2 turnGAMEICON 6.png Level 52.
In A While, Rockodile Deals weak ROCK damage to one enemy. Gives two JACKPOT points instead of one. 2 turnGAMEICON 6.png Level 56. Replaced by Rock Bottom at Level 80.
Rose Printed Glasses Deals weak PAPER damage to one enemy. Gives two JACKPOT points instead of one. 2 turnGAMEICON 6.png Level 62. Replaced by Tear You Apart at Level 72.
GAMEICON 66.png Regener-ade For three turns, a friend GAMEICON 67.pngREGENERATES 10% of HP every turn. 5 turnGAMEICON 6.png Level 66.
Tear You Apart Deals big PAPER damage to one enemy. Gives two JACKPOT points instead of one. 2 turnGAMEICON 6.png Level 72. Replaces Rose Printed Glasses.
Rock Bottom Deals big ROCK damage to one enemy. Gives two JACKPOT points instead of one. 2 turnGAMEICON 6.png Level 80. Replaces In A While, Rockodile.
(Just attack.) Deals massive SCISSORS damage to all enemies. Doesn't give a JACKPOT POINT. 3 turnGAMEICON 6.png Start of ACT 4.
Unavailable in ACT 6.
GAMEICON 7.png (Ask...) You have so many questions. Doesn't use a turn. NoGAMEICON 6.png Unlocks when fighting The King in ACT 3.
Only available when fighting him in either
ACT 3 or ACT 4.
GAMEICON 7.png (Call Loop.) Call Loop for advice. NoGAMEICON 6.png Unlocked after talking to Loop under the Favor Tree
3 times. Cannot be used in combat.

Name Description Cooldown Availability
(Rock.) Deals big ROCK damage to one enemy. NoGAMEICON 6.png Only available after entering the House in ACT 5.
(Paper.) Deals big PAPER damage to one enemy. NoGAMEICON 6.png Only available after entering the House in ACT 5.
(Scissors.) Deals massive SCISSORS damage to all enemies. NoGAMEICON 6.png Only available after entering the House in ACT 5.
GAMEICON 12.png (Breathe.) Boosts actors' GAMEICON 34.pngATTACK, GAMEICON 35.pngDEFENSE and GAMEICON 10.pngATTACK SPEED. 4 turnGAMEICON 6.png Only available after entering the House in ACT 5.
GAMEICON 66.png (Heal.) Heal self. 3 turnGAMEICON 6.png Only available after entering the House in ACT 5.

Name Description Cooldown Availability
Knife To Meet You Deals SCISSORS damage to one enemy. Might lower enemy's GAMEICON 51.pngDEFENSE. 1 turnGAMEICON 6.png Available by default.
Too Cleaver by Half Deals SCISSORS damage to all enemies. Might lower enemies' GAMEICON 50.pngATTACK. 3 turnGAMEICON 6.png Available by default.
GAMEICON 12.png Make Up The Time Makes all friends GAMEICON 10.pngFASTER for a few turns. 3 turnGAMEICON 6.png Available by default.
GAMEICON 67.png Turn It Up Give your turn to a friend, GAMEICON 67.pngBOOSTING their GAMEICON 34.pngATK and GAMEICON 36.pngCRIT CHANCE. 1 turnGAMEICON 6.png Available by default.





Bonnie smiling.

At the beginning, Bonnie is a bit distant from Siffrin. They feel guilty over the fact that Siffrin got his eye stabbed out in protecting them. After Bonnie's Friendquest, the two promise to protect each other. Bonnie is very annoyed by Siffrin's puns.


Isabeau smiling fondly.

Siffrin and Isabeau are very close friends throughout the game. Isabeau enjoys Siffrin's puns and sometimes contributes his own puns as well. Isabeau has a huge crush on Siffrin. Initially Siffrin appears to be oblivious, but as the story progresses Siffrin becomes aware of it. Siffrin worries that he's manipulating Isabeau into feeling things for them, calling himself a "disgusting monster" on multiple occasions.

The King

The King, hands raised to cover his face.

As soon as the King meets Siffrin, he recognizes them as someone also hailing from the Forgotten Island by their hair and the stitching of his cloak. [47] As such, he fixates on Siffrin above all other party members. Every time the two meet, he asks Siffrin if they remember the island. He is desperate for them to remember, and believes the two may be able to remember together. [48] Additionally, the King also attempts to sway Siffrin to his side whenever they talk by sharing his own past and the two's similarities. At multiple points during the loops, the King pleads with them to remember, to the point he risks his own death to say the island's name.[49]

However, as this tactic yields success, the King leverages Siffrin's trust in him against them by launching a surprise attack and killing Bonnie. Not only does he recognize Siffrin as a fellow countryman, but also as an user of Wish Craft. He is furious with them for stopping him so often, and views Siffrin as the ultimate obstacle to his goal. [50] Since the King is aware he cannot kill Siffrin permanently, he is willing to use any cruelty to break their spirit instead, threatening to kill all of Siffrin's friend and force them to watch.[51]

Though what the King tells Siffrin about himself may be genuine, it is ultimately a ploy to make them lower their guard, and the King considers Siffrin stupid if they fall for it.[52]

Siffrin's view on the King changes throughout the events of In Stars and Time. He is initially hostile toward the King, since he is the one freezing Vaugarde and attempting to harm Siffrin and their friends. However, this hostility is not particularly personal in nature.

As Siffrin discovers the shared past between himself and the King, he grows more sympathetic toward the King. They try to talk and reason with him, and also become invested in his attempts to remember the island, to the point of death. Despite this, Siffrin is unsettled upon noticing similarities in the two's thinking. [53]

After the events of ACT 3, Siffrin's sympathy shatters. They never attempt to reason with the King ever again, and develop a highly personal grudge. Siffrin becomes extremely violent with the King, wishing to maim and kill him, [54] and ultimately viewing his death at their hands as their last option to escape the timeloops in ACT 5. [55]


Loop with an amused look, one hand raised to their face as if covering a laugh.

Siffrin is consistently annoyed by Loop. They bond over their time in the loops, however, and Loop ends up becoming the only one Siffrin trusts with everything. As the loops progress, Siffrin learns better how Loop feels, and connects with them on a greater scale. Loop worries for Siffrin when he runs off to face the House on their own, yet is jealous of him for getting the perfect ending they wanted after he succeeds. They cannot bring themselves to kill him, though.


Mirabelle with a goofy smile.

Siffrin and Mirabelle are close friends. Whenever Mirabelle is upset, Siffrin will tease her or make a pun to try to cheer her up. Upon accidentally upsetting her due to a lack of enthusiasm, Siffrin immediately panics and hurries to fix it. Siffrin and Mirabelle bond over their asexuality during Mirabelle’s Friendquest and Siffrin advises Mirabelle to “game the system” regarding her religion and her inability to change in incredibly drastic ways as her religion requires.


Odile smiling with one eyebrow raised.

Siffrin, along with Isabeau, is constantly trying to guess what Odile's research is. Siffrin and Odile are also the only two in the group who are not from Vaugarde, and they often share confusion over Vaugardian traditions. As the time loops continue, Odile notices Siffrin's odd behavior, and if Siffrin leaves enough clues, she can piece it together.

START AGAIN: a prologue

Siffrin was the second-to-last member to join the party[11], following Odile and preceding Bonnie.

According to Mirabelle in START AGAIN: a prologue, at first, Siffrin was very confident in their quest to defeat the King[56], to the point of coming off as though he did not care about its importance — or the party's worries concerning it.
However, this changed when he lost his eye while protecting one of them; making Mirabelle say that he did truly care for them all along[57].




Name Description Cooldown Availability
Sasasap Icon Craft.png Knife To Meet You NEUTRAL Craft Skill that attacks randomly three times. 1 turnSasasap Icon Droplet.png Available by default.
Sasasap Icon Scissors.png Too Cleaver By Half SCISSORS attack that cuts all enemies in half. 1 turnSasasap Icon Droplet.png Available by default.
Sasasap Icon Buff.png Make Up The Time Makes everyone Sasasap Icon Fast.pngFASTER for a few turns. 3 turnSasasap Icon Droplet.png Available by default.
Sasasap Icon Craft.png Easy Turn Give your turn to someone else, POWERING THEM UP. 2 turnSasasap Icon Droplet.png Available by default.
Sasasap Icon Scissors.png (Just attack) No more messing around. 4 turnSasasap Icon Droplet.png Achieve a first ending.
Sasasap Icon Heal.png Healy Bealy Heal 50% of a friend's HP and boosts their Sasasap Icon AtkUp.pngATTACK. 2 turnSasasap Icon Droplet.png Level 53.


  • In one of the devlogs, when asked how many Siffrin would it take to surpass the Eiffel Tower in height, Adrienne answered "212.9 Siffrins"[11]: this suggests Siffrin is around 1m55, or 5'1. As he is the shortest party member (excluding Bonnie)[11], this means everyone else is taller than this.
  • In the Japanese version of the Demo, Siffrin's name is spelled "シフリン" (shifurin)[58]; however, some pre-release information for In Stars and Time spells it as "シフラン" (shifuran) instead[59].
    • In the files for START AGAIN: a prologue, a Translations file can be found that refers to them as "シフレン" (shifuren)[60].
    • The official pronunciation of Siffrin's name is with a French accent, with the "-in" read as the French number "un"[61][62].
  • At two points in START AGAIN: a prologue, Siffrin references an unnamed person from their past: in the description for the Knick-Knacks item "Tiny Crane"[63], and when picking the Fish Head in the True End[64]. It's unclear whether he's referring to the same person in both of these.


show/hide references

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 START AGAIN START AGAIN START AGAIN: A PROLOGUE (an artbook), pg. 3
  2. Bazir, Adrienne (2024-01-15). In Stars and Time Spoiler Q&A. Archived from the original on January 15, 2024.
  3. 3.0 3.1
  5. "I ran away from home once!" [...] "I just didn't want to eat my veggies." [...] "And so I took our boat! Got to the beach, rowed away from the shore a bit. I was going to come back right away, I just wanted to scare my parents a bit!" [...] "I started to row back towards the shore... And then, I..." — Siffrin, when examining the book in the secret room, In Stars and Time
  6. "You forget them all, and are forgotten by them in return. [...] Your country. Your stars and universe. Your beliefs. Your face. Your name. It is just so easy to forget you."Mal du Pays, speaking with Odile's voice, In Stars and Time
  7. 'In Stars and Time
  8. ' — Siffrin, when talking to the Smug One in Dormont, In Stars and Time
  9. ' — When praying to the Change God's statue in Dormont in ACT 1, In Stars and Time
  10. Bonnie: "You remember, right? It was a while back... When you protected me from that other Sadness, you know."
    Siffrin: "Which one?"
    Bonnie: "Which one--?! The one that got your eye, stupid!!!"
    — During Bonnie's Friendquest, In Stars and Time
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 11.8 11.9
  12. "212.9 Siffrins. Thank you for asking" - Adrienne Bazir, after being asked how many Siffrins would stack to get to the Eiffel Tower's height. 330 m / 212.9 = 155 cm (5'1").
  13. "Oof, look at you! So scrawny! Scrawny one, did you know you can press SHIFT to run?" "I, I mean, understandable! You look like you've never ran a day in your life!" (Running One); "(Rude...) (You may look scrawny, but you're definitely the fastest one out of your group! Hmf!)" (Siffrin) - in Dormont at the end of the In Stars and Time DEMO.
  15. "(Who are you. If you are not the funnyjokespun person.)" - Siffrin in the In Stars and Time DEMO
  16. "Pff, I told you they were fine... Siffrin would never be worried about anything!" (Bonnie); "Hehe! If Siffrin was worried, then we would have no chance, would we?" (Mirabelle); "A Siffrin worried about things means the end of the world is nigh. But since they're back to normal, we will definitely win." (Odile) - in START AGAIN: a prologue
  17. "More of a lazy, take it easy type." - Siffrin in In Stars and Time DEMO
  18. "Oh, Siffrin. You look rested. Glad to see you this laidback on the day before the end of the world." - Odile in In Stars and Time DEMO
  19. (See: START AGAIN: a prologue)
  20. (See: Death Corridor scene in In Stars and Time DEMO.)
  21. "(Uh oh...) (YOU MADE MIRABELLE SAD AGAIN!!!) (You made her sad yesterday, too...) (It's your second time doing it in two days. You absolute monster.)" - in In Stars and Time DEMO
  22. "(Suddenly, you remember where this conversation is heading.) (She talked to you about this sleepover... And you only said "Okay...?" like a terrible rude awful person, and...) (THIS IS THE MOMENT IN THE CONVERSATION WHERE YOU MADE MIRABELLE UPSET...!!!)" - in the In Stars and Time DEMO
  23. (See: monologue at the start of Act 2 in In Stars and Time DEMO.)
  24. (See: Bathroom scene, and the True Ending, in START AGAIN: a prologue.)
  25. "Y-yes, of course!!! Y-You've definitely talked about your family before!!! This isn't a surprise at all!!!" (Mirabelle); "(That's a little too much...)" (Isabeau); "What's your family like, Siffrin???" (Bonnie); "Leave the cool mysterious traveler alone, children. Everyone has secrets." (Odile) - upon selecting the "It's a family technique!" option in the Prologue.
  26. "(But still. You're not stupid! You know what this is!) (This is the "Hero loses faith" act.) (You used to love those moments in plays.) (The darkest act, where the Hero, at their lowest point, is alone. Only their thoughts for company. They often forget what they're even fighting for.)" - dialogue when choosing not to enter the bathroom in START AGAIN: a prologue
  27. "(She claps sarcastically, which makes everyone join her enthusiastically.) (You take a bow.)" - dialogue after obtaining the Broken Egg Key in In Stars and Time
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2
  29. "(Palmier it is.) (You bite into it...) (Tastes sweet...) (...) (You used to eat those all the time, before...)" - Siffrin in START AGAIN: a prologue
  32. "Siffrin. Did you really just hit the counter and said "nya"." - Odile in In Stars and Time DEMO
  33. "Do you still have trouble judging distance? Let us know if you need someone else to take the lead..." - Odile in START AGAIN: a prologue
  34. "(You don't want to think about handsome young men getting tortured by malevolent forces they can't see.) (Not that you're a man, but it's hitting a little too close to home for you right now.)" - in START AGAIN: a prologue
  36. "Oh, Siffrin. You're the fastest out of all of us, so I'm counting on you and your speed as always. Which is to say: please walk in front so hopefully your reflexes will keep all of us out of trouble." - upon talking to Odile in In Stars and Time DEMO.
  42. "Belle, Belle, don't worry about it. Frin isn't good at many things, but they know stuff about traps." - Bonnie in the Demo
  43. "(Traps? Traps?)" "A job for me, then." (Siffrin); "It IS your job." (Odile); "Protect us, trap master!" (Isabeau) - in the Death Corridor in In Stars and Time DEMO.
  44. "(But aaargh, the trap, the trap!!! You idiot! You stupid fool! It's your job to take care of traps and you got taken out IMMEDIATELY!!!!)" - at the start of Act 2 in In Stars and Time DEMO.
  45. "(Not yours, not yours, not yours.)" upon refusing to pray to the statue for a second time in the Prologue; "(The Change God, deity worshipped by all of the country of Vaugarde, stands before you.) (A god with a thousand faces...) (Vaugarde is so weird!)" upon interacting with the Change God statues at the end of the Demo.
  47. "Everything, from your accent, to the way you use Craft, to the stitching on your cloak and hat, to those pins you wear-- You should remember!!! You and I, of all people standing here, should remember!!!!!!" — The King when Siffrin asks "What should I remember?", In Stars and Time
  48. "PLEASE!!!!!! IF WE SAY IT TOGETHER, TWO PEOPLE OF THE SAME COUNTRY, I'M SURE WE CAN-- WE CAN REMEMBER IT!!! PLEASE!!!!!!" — The King, when Siffrin asks "Where are you from?", In Stars and Time
  49. Each time Siffrin and the King attempt to say the island's name in ACT 3, both of them take damage. The last time the King tries, with or without Siffrin, the two take 9999 damage and die, after already suffering extensive injury from previous attempts.
  50. "I saw it all, you know. I saw the signs. The way you came in to face me. Like you knew exactly what you were about to fight. The way your companions all flinched, hearing my voice, but not you. The way you knew about my home, the way you can keep it at the forefront of your mind, like you've practiced as I have. Yes...... Oooooh, ooooooooh, I can tell! I can tell, Siffrin!!!!!! I SHOULD'VE WON!!!!!! I SHOULD'VE WON LONG AGO!!!!!! But something went wrong, didn't it? VICTORY KEEPS ESCAPING MY GRASP!!!!!! Siffrin. It's you, isn't it? The one who's keeping me from winning? HOW MANY TIMES HAVE YOU KEPT ME FROM VICTORY, SIFFRIN?" — The King to Siffrin at the end of ACT 3, In Stars and Time
  51. "YOU'RE THE ONE KEEPING ME FROM TOTAL VICTORY! YOU'RE THE ONE KEEPING ME FROM MY PERFECT ENDING!!!!!! IF ONLY...... IF ONLY YOU WEREN'T HERE..... But, ah. A quick death would be too easy for you. You'd just come back anyway, won't you? So...... I just need to make sure that today...... You learn your lesson." [...] "Bright one. Siffrin. Look at me. You need to learn to not cross me again. I will kill this child. And your Housemaiden. And your Fighter. And your Researcher. I will kill them all, one after the other. I will kill them all now, and make sure you remember. I will force you to watch. So you will learn." — The King to Siffrin at the end of ACT 3, In Stars and Time
  52. "Is this really all I needed to do? To make you trust me? I just needed to listen to your empty words, to tell you how sad I am, to make you think I was pathetic, to be pitied? You should have told me sooner. Killing you like this is easier than fighting." — The King to Siffrin at the end of ACT 3, In Stars and Time
  53. (After the country was forgotten, the King was welcomed by Vaugarde, wasn't he?)
    (Welcomed, and helped, and loved.)
    (To the point where he sees Vaugarde as "perfect".)
    (But... No one knows why the country was forgotten.)
    (What's keeping Vaugarde from being forgotten the exact same way?)
    (Wasn't it his duty, as thanks for welcoming him, to make sure such a fate would never befall Vaugarde?)
    (What else could he do but make sure this perfect country was preserved in amber forever?)
    (How could he ever let go?)
    (... You understand the King more than you'd like to.)
    (But... But still, he's...) — Siffrin's monologue upon retrieving the Mirror Picture in ACT 3, In Stars and Time
  54. (Curse him, curse him, curse him.)
    (You want to kill the King, reduce him into a fine paste grab his throat and squeeze tear his hair out until his skull is nothing left but blood and bone)
    [...] (You want him to DIE!!!)
    (And you suppose you'll get the chance to kill him yourself soon.) — Siffrin's monologue when dying to the King after ACT 3, In Stars and Time
  55. [...] "And if everyone's wish is centered on me... And if I'm the only one who's looping and remembering... And if time keeps rewinding after I kill the King... The Head Housemaiden said it might be because the wish hasn't come true, right? So... Isn't it rewinding because it's not me, the person who's in the middle of this, killing the King?!?" — Siffrin talking to Loop at the start of ACT 5, In Stars and Time
  56. "Sif... Do you remember... Do you remember when we first met? Um. You know... Back when we met, I thought you were... kind of a mean person? You always acted like you were above us... As if our worries and our quest were unimportant to you... N-Not in a malicious way!!! More like... Like a quest to save Vaugarde was on the same level as... doing laundry, or something. Something you seemed confident we'd all succeed at and you weren't sure why we were even worried!" - Mirabelle
  57. "but then... Then you got hurt... trying to protect one of us... So... So it was never true, was it? You care about us, don't you?" - Mirabelle
  58. "...It's a forge and that's an anvil, Siffrin." is translated as "それは炉と鉄床よ、シフリン。"
  60. "Oh, hey, wait, do you need to go too, Siffrin?" is translated as "ちょっと待った、もしかしてシフレンもトイレ行きたい?".
  63. "Someone taught you how to fold cranes a long time ago." - in START AGAIN: a prologue
  64. "(Fish head it is.) (You bite into it...) (It's crunchy and, as always, good despite its appearance.) (Someone you know... used to love them... so you tried to love them too.) (It took you a long time to get used to the texture...)" - in START AGAIN: a prologue


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