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For the religion, see The House of Change

The House is one of the primary locations of In Stars and Time, and the only location of START AGAIN: a prologue. It's located north of Dormont. House also refers to places of worship in Vaugarde.


  • Floor 1
  • Floor 2
  • Floor 3


Despite being primarily a place of worship for Change, the House used to be very welcoming to anyone, including those who did not follow it[3]. It was full of light and people[4], with many of them living, working or studying there.

After the King took over, however, it became "distorted"[5]: changing it into an unsettling, "stale state", with rooms and corridors being jumbled around beyond recognition[6].

In the present day, much of it has been frozen in time, with only Tears, Sadnesses and the King remaining.


Months prior to the start of In Stars and Time DEMO[7], the King took over the House: corrupting it, and turning those present either into Sadnesses, or freezing them in time. Mirabelle was the only one who successfully escaped[5].



  • Interestingly enough, despite Mirabelle stating that the House possesses an armory simply as part of a class it offers[8], and not because it gets attacked, it does possess traps, under the form of a "Death Corridor"[9] which is capable of killing people[10].


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  3. "It's nice, right? Lots of scholars, good food, welcoming people. Especially their Houses of Change. They let everyone in, and aren't shy about sharing their knowledge, even if you don't follow their belief." - 'Smug One' NPC in In Stars and Time DEMO
  4. "Do Houses of Change usually look like this, Mirabelle?" (Odile); "...No, they're not usually like this... Houses of Change are usually filled with people and light." (Mirabelle) - in In Stars and Time DEMO
  5. 5.0 5.1 "Dormont itself hasn't changed much, but the House... ... We can see it from the village, you know. How distorted it has become. I was the only one who managed to escape the House when the King attacked... So many people must be hurt..." - Mirabelle in In Stars and Time DEMO
  6. "The whole House feels so different... All the rooms are jumbled around, nothing is where it should be... Sometimes I feel like I recognize something, like a corner, or a place, but it feels weird and wrong, like..." (...) "...The House shouldn't be like this... The King... What has he done to this place? Why did he desecrate it in this way? Taking over the House wasn't enough... He had to reduce it to this unsettling, stale state..." - Mirabelle in START AGAIN: a prologue
  7. "Aww... I wanted to know my horoscope today..." (Isabeau); "This place has been frozen for a few months now... I don't think it'd be up to date..." (Odile) - in In Stars and Time DEMO
  8. "Why the need for an armory and weapons in the first place? Does the House often get attacked?" (Odile); "Oh, not at all! Well, you know, except for right now. This is just one of the many classes the House gives! It's very popular with young adults, in a few weeks you can learn how to make your very own weapon!" (Mirabelle) - in In Stars and Time DEMO
  9. "I recognize it... The Head Housemaiden of this House used to warn us about it... I think... I think she called it the "Death Corridor"!!!" - Mirabelle in In Stars and Time DEMO
  10. "So? So??? Are we safe? We're not safe, are we, this is the Death Corridor... The older housemaidens kept saying people died there!!! So there must be a trap-- Something weight-sensitive, or something!" - Mirabelle in In Stars and Time DEMO
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