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"She yelled at me, and made me promise that I would run as far as I could, so I would live."

Bonnie, In Stars and Time Act 6

Pétronille is a minor character in In Stars and Time and START AGAIN: a prologue. She is Bonnie's older sister.


"My sister! Her name's Pétronille, but it's dumb, so I call her Nille."



Pétronille is never seen in-game. As Bonnie's older biological sister, it can be assumed they share similar features. As she is older than Bonnie, it can be assumed she is taller than them.


Bonnie does not like to talk about Nille because she is frozen in time prior to the events of the game.[2]

Nille is a very parental figure to Bonnie and taught them many different things such as, as an example, that talking about others behind their backs is rude. She is protective of them, though the two often get into disagreements typical of siblings.[3] Apparently, Nille puts on a tough facade, despite scaring easily. She does not like to be touched unprepared, and may scream and act on instinct if touched, including violent reactions like suplexing people.[4] Like Bonnie, Nille is temperamental. However, this may be Bonnie's biased perception of her, instead of her actual personality.

Bonnie is eager for everyone to meet their sister.[5]


  • Nille likes hammers, having made one once.[6]


  • Bonnie once woke up Nille in the middle of the night to play a board game. Nille was not pleased.[7]


  • Like Bonnie, she becomes cranky when hungry or sick.[8]
  • Nille does not let Bonnie cook often because they once tried to craft a meal spicy enough to explode and blew up the kitchen.[9]
  • Nille told Bonnie to wear earrings.[10]
  • Nille knows Bonnie's other name as they forgot.[11]
  • Bonnie wears large boots and walks very loudly so Nille always knows they are coming in order not to scare her.[4]
  • Bonnie once had a dream that Nille stole her breakfast. They would not talk to Nille until she apologized.[12]

In Stars and Time

When Bonnie was young, Nille took Bonnie and ran away from their parents. Their parents may have been abusive.[13] Since then, Nille has been Bonnie's caregiver and guardian. Bonnie and Nille are from the coastal village of Bambouche, hundreds of kilometers from Dormont, near the country that disappeared. When said country vanished, Nille told Bonnie it was all everyone could talk about for weeks.[14]

At some point before the events of In Stars and Time, Pétronille was frozen in time along with the rest of Bambouche. She yelled at Bonnie to run away as far as they could, resulting in Bonnie's first meeting with the party.[15]

Bonnie misses her deeply. References to her throughout the game often sadden them as a result. Sometimes, Bonnie even cries out for their sister at night.[16]

After the King is defeated and everyone is unfrozen, the party plans to send a message to Nille, informing her that Bonnie is okay. They wish to travel to Bambouche, reunite the siblings, and ask Nille for permission for Bonnie to keep travelling with everyone. Bonnie remarks that Nille always wanted to travel, too, but did not wish to do so alone, since she had to care for Bonnie.[17]

START AGAIN: a prologue

Before the events of START AGAIN: a prologue, Bonnie's sister was frozen in time.[18] Bonnie remarks they desperately want to see their sister again, and eventually realize they were thinking about their sister so much they did not notice Siffrin's terrible mental state.[19].

Supposedly, a nice lady told Bonnie that being frozen in time is like falling asleep, after she learned their sister had been frozen. Bonnie likes to believe this is true, even if they know it is not.[20] After defeating the King, Bonnie wishes to go back home and see if their sister is okay.[21]



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  1. Bazir, Adrienne (2024-01-15). In Stars and Time Spoiler Q&A. Archived from the original on January 15, 2024.
  2. Siffrin:"You don't often talk about her."
    Bonnie: "She's frozen in time and she's not here, so I don't want to talk about her. She says talking behind people's backs is bad. And also, talking about her hurts and makes me sad. ...I want Nille to be here... I should've helped her, when..."
    — Bonnie talking about Nille during their Friendquest, In Stars and Time
  3. "Belle's like a cool sister!!! The one who'd give me sweets when I ask. Unlike my actual older sister who sucks.Bonnie
  4. 4.0 4.1 "She doesn't like it when people touch her and she's not ready for it. Nille's really cool and tough, but she gets scared easy, I think. One day I touched her shoulder, and she didn't know I was there, and she screamed really loud!!! Like "UGHYARRRGRGGHH!!!"! But then she said I shouldn't do it again, because when she's scared she said her scared brain takes over, and she said she might suplex me without meaning to. Which sounds really cool, but she said she doesn't want to suplex me, because she doesn't want to hurt me. She did suplex one dude who scared her once, though, heheh. So I'm not allowed to touch her if she doesn't know I'm there, so I always try to walk real loud so she hears me coming! That's why my shoes are so big, see?" (Bonnie points at their boots.) (Makes sense.) (You nod.) "I don't wanna talk about my sister anymore." — Bonnie talking to Siffrin during Bonnie's Friendquest, In Stars and Time
  5. Y-Yeah, yeah!!! I want you to meet my sister, too! I want everyone to meet her!!!Bonnie, In Stars and Time
  6. Bonnie: "My sister took a class like this! She made a MASSIVE hammer and tried to hang it to the wall in her room."
    Odile: "...And?"
    Bonnie: "Hammer too heavy. Wall broke. We had to share my room for weeks."
    — In the blacksmithing room after Mirabelle mentions a weapon forging class., In Stars and Time
  7. "Then why do you look like how my sister did when I woke her up in the middle of the night to play a board game?"Bonnie, In Stars and Time
  8. "Me and my sister also get really cranky when we're hungry or sick. One time, I broke her favorite bowl because I was hungry, and another time, she yelled at me very loud because I didn't clean my room and she was sick." - Bonnie
  9. Bonnie: "My sister doesn't let me cook often even though she sucks at cooking, so it's nice I can cook with you guys."
    Mirabelle: "She doesn't...? Why not?"
    "'Cuz I blew up our kitchen once. I was trying to craft a meal spicy enough to explode!!!"
    Odile: "A feat also known as a "bomb", Boniface."
    Bonnie: "That's what 'Nille said, yeah. So I'm not allowed to cook Crafted meals anymore. Just regular ones where I follow the recipe."
  10. "My sister said I had to wear them."Bonnie, In Stars and Time
  11. "I'd tell you, but I forgot mine. My sister is the one who remembers."Bonnie, In Stars and Time
  12. "It's like when I dreamt that my sister stole my breakfast and when I woke up I wouldn't talk to her until she apologized."Bonnie, In Stars and Time
  13. Isabeau: "Um, sometimes parents can be meanies, and someone might decide to just...Leave?"
    Bonnie: "Oh...You can run away from home if your parents are meanies? Oh! That's what Nille did! I think!"
    — Interacting with the open book in the secret room on Floor 3., In Stars and Time
  14. "I think, I think my village was really close to it!!! My sister said it was all everyone could talk about for weeks!!!" — Bonnie, when interacting with the sparkly diary in the House's library., In Stars and Time
  15. "She yelled at me, and made me promise that I would run as far as I could, so I would live." — Bonnie in ACT 6, In Stars and Time
  16. "(They miss their sister so much. Sometimes you can hear them cry out at night, calling their sister's name.) (If you could help them save her, help them get back to their sister and see her safe and alive... You'd like to do that. You want them to be happy.)" — One of Siffrin's possible wishes in ACT 1., In Stars and Time
  17. Isabeau: "Uh, we'll go and escort our dear little preteen back to their sister, duh."
    Bonnie: "YEAH!!! We should go and see Nille!!! And send her a message so she knows I'm okay!!! And then I can hug her!!! And then-- And then we'll see, I guess. We can go and travel more after she knows I'm okay."
    Odile: "Um... Before that, though… I would like to talk to her beforehand and make sure she's fine with you traveling with us, Boniface. Otherwise, going on a journey together with you becomes a little something called a "kidnapping."
    Isabeau: "Very true." We need to make sure it's fine with her first, Bonbon!"
    Bonnie: "Hmm… I think it'll be fine. She can come with us, right? She always wanted to travel, but she didn't wanna do it alone and also she had to take care of me, so she'll say yes and come with us for sure!!!"
    — The party in ACT 6., In Stars and Time
  18. "My sister... and people all over Vaugarde..."Bonnie, START AGAIN: a prologue
  19. "I wanna see my sister again very, very much. But... I'm thinking about her so much... that I didn't realize you weren't okay... Why didn't I see that you weren't okay...?" — Bonnie during the True Ending, START AGAIN: a prologue
  20. "I've heard that being frozen makes you go to sleep, and gives you a super good dream! [...] Ah, um... Um... A nice lady told me that when my sister got frozen... I-I know it's not true!!! I'm not stupid!!! Just... It would be nice... if that was true."Bonnie, START AGAIN: a prologue
  21. "I gotta go back home and see if my sister's okay!!!"Bonnie, START AGAIN: a prologue
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