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Bonnie's Friendquest is a story event that is available in ACT 3 and ACT 4 of In Stars and Time. It awards Memory of Training and the Tutorial Quest achievement. Bonnie will also learn the GAMEICON 150.png Billion Blows Technique skill for a single loop.

Completing all friendquests and reaching the end of the loop without dying is one of the requirements for the game to advance to ACT 4.


Siffrin helps his friends with their personal problems, in the hope that it will help him break the time loop he is currently trapped in. When they ask Bonnie for help, Bonnie says that Siffrin does not even know them. They then ask Siffrin what their three favorite foods are. After Siffrin correctly names all three, Bonnie takes him to hang out outside of Dormont.

Bonnie explains that they want to help out tomorrow in the House by learning how to fight. Bonnie hurriedly runs toward a Sadness and gets struck, causing Siffrin to kill it instantly. He yells at Bonnie and tells them to be more careful. After apologizing, Bonnie and Siffrin sneak up on another Sadness and fight it. Siffrin teaches Bonnie about Rock, Paper, and Scissors Craft. They then fight the Sadness together.

After this battle, Bonnie asks Siffrin why his friends are not allowed to touch him, and says that Odile tells them that it makes Siffrin jump. He says that he is not used to it, and Bonnie tells Siffrin that he reminds them of their sister, Pétronille. They are reminded that Nille is frozen in time, and moves on. Bonnie asks Siffrin if they can touch him, and pokes him in the stomach.

Bonnie and Siffrin go to battle one more Sadness. During the battle, Siffrin loses their footing and trips on a branch. Bonnie instantly attacks to protect him, and kills the Sadness instantly. After the battle, Bonnie tells Siffrin that they were reminded of the Sadness that caused Siffrin to lose his eye. When Siffrin says he does not remember that, Bonnie yells at him and says that it is their fault that he got hurt. They are upset that Siffrin protected them instead of letting them take care of it. Siffrin yells back, telling Bonnie that he would never let them get hurt, no matter what.

Bonnie promises to Siffrin that they will protect him whenever they can, and Siffrin does the same. After that, Bonnie runs over and hugs Siffrin, and he slowly hugs back.



  • Enter ACT 3.
  • Talk to Bonnie at the farm in Eastern Dormont.
  • Name their three favorite foods, including their favorite kind of samosas.
    • The player can learn about Bonnie's three favorite foods either by randomly brute forcing the dialogue options or by listening to Bonnie's dialogue when choosing different snacks during the snack breaks.
    • Their favorite foods are, in order: rice, pineapple, and samosas with potatoes and without cheese.



GAMEICON 150.png Memory of Training

Description: You and Bonnie trained together. [Bonnie will never miss.]

Memory of Training is a memory that can be equipped by Bonnie. It ensures that Bonnie will never miss in battle.


Tutorial Quest is the achievement awarded for completing Bonnie's friendquest. Internal files refer to it as "bonniequest_main".


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