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ACT 2 is the second act of In Stars and Time, starting with Siffrin waking up after their first death on the first floor of the House. It concludes with the first talk to the Head Housemaiden after defeating the King.


After the end of the previous act, this one opens similarly to the first. Siffrin "wakes up" from a nap, and Mirabelle arrives to tell Siffrin to wake up. She mistakes his confusion for still being half-asleep, and leaves him to rest a little longer. Siffrin, however, works out what must've just happened in their head, and concludes that they must have went back in time. He decides to just accept that fact for now, takes a deep breath, and gets up, intending to avoid death this time around.

Upon going to Dormont, Siffrin encounters Mirabelle and awkwardly makes it through the conversation. He remembers his lack of enthusiasm last time having upset her, so he says something different this time, realizing he can in fact change things. After talking, Siffrin hears a voice telling them to go to the Favor Tree.



Once waking up back in Dormont, talk to all your friends again, Isabeau last (not necessary, but convenient). You'll have a new dialogue option, to ask them if they've seen anything weird recently. After talking to Isabeau, go to the Favor Tree. You'll find someone who calls themselves Loop. After talking with Loop to find out more about the loops, continue like you did the first loop—going to the Clocktower, sleeping, heading to the house, and making your way through until you reach Death Corridor. Once there, inspect the second column on the right. You will find a lever to set off the trap. Continue through the house and its different floors.

Floor 1

Begin by taking the hallway to the right. Continuing through the hallways will eventually lead you to a floating tear. Try touching it, and you will be frozen in time, beginning a new loop. Loop will tell you that you can now loop to floors you have been to previously. Loop back to floor 1, go to the tear you just touched, and continue past it. Go as far right as you can until you enter a small room, where there will be a Nostalgie to fight, rewarding you with a Star Crest. Go to the bottom of the nearby T-junction, use the Star Crest on the row of tears, and walk into the room below it. In there, you will find the Egg Key. You can also find the Wok in this room. Now, go back to the main room, and go left. Go as far left as you can, and use the key on the locked door. Continue through the hallways until you reach the end with two doors on either side. Head through the door on the right, and you will find the next key. Head back to the main room of the first floor, and use the key on the gate that will bring you to the next.


There will be a boss to fight at the end of each floor. The first floor's boss is Calamité. This sadness changes its Craft type as the battle goes on, and will start with a random craft every time you fight it. The first few times, the sign of its Craft type will appear on its head. It will only be weak to whatever Craft type is strong against its Craft type. At some point, it will change Craft types, without showing you what type it has changed to. In this scenario, you can either work it out through trial and error—attack it and watch how it responds, or let it attack and see how you respond—or you can choose attack, and hover over the enemy. The icons below its name will tell you what Craft types it is immune to, and you can figure out what type it is weak too through process of elimination.

Once defeating this boss, you can progress until you reach a safe room, where you and everyone else will have some snacks.

Second floor

Once making it to the main room, go left and through the hallways as far as you can until you see 2 broken change god statues. Go through that door and look around and head back out. The trap will be set off blocking you out. Now head too the locked door on the right and try to go through it. Mirabelle will say that she forgot that the key was inside the desk you just searched. Use the nearby tear to go back to the beginning of the floor and search the desk again. Now go through the locked do o and continue down the hallways and into the library. Search the books in the top left with sparkles on it and examine the books called "Effort: The Key to Meaningful Change" and you will find the next key. Now head back to the beginning of the floor and go right continue through until you see the next locked door, before you go through it, fight the miniboss sadness in the room above the locked door and get another Star Crest. Now go through the door and gave tour team split their decision on where to go next. Use the Star Crest on the area below. Continue to find the last key for this floor. Use it on the main door when ready.


There are 2 bosses to fight here, one is rock type and the other is paper. It is recommended to attack the paper one with scissors craft. Once it reaches about 1/6 health it will absorb the other sadness and heal itself. Continue to use scissors craft on it until it dies.

Continue on until you reach the next safe room, where you will have snacks again. Before choosing a snack, note that Siffrin is allergic to pineapples. Choosing pineapples here will kill you and force you to loop back. You can choose pineapples here if you want, but you will not get to save before you die, meaning you will not have a save point after floor 2 and at the start of floor 3, and will not be able to loop back here until you do. This walkthrough will assume you did not choose pineapples here, and that you will be able loop back to this location going forwards.

Third Floor

The Third Floor has more rooms and corridors than the previous floors. To get the first key, take the right door from the main room. Pick the upper path and continue until you find a row of three floating tears. Enter the door next to it, leading to a room with a giant mirror. Interacting with it results in Isabeau taking a picture of everyone, which spawns the Smiling Key at the other end of the room.

To get the second key, return the the main room and take the left door instead. Insert the Smiling Key into the locked door at the very end, and enter the new corridor. The end of the corridor is a split, the bottom path leads to another wall of three floating tears. Take the upper path to find three different doors. The top middle door holds the Angry Key, located in a closet. Return to the main room again and take the right door. Inset the Angry Key into the door located in the upper half of the first corridor. A miniboss sadness (weak to Rock craft) waits there, holding a Star Crest.

To use the Star Crest, go once more into the main room and take the left door. Follow the corridors all the way left and take the bottom path, clearing the row of tears. Reach a locked door with a note at the end of the corridor. Read the note, which tells you that the Sadness Key is located on the Second Floor. Use the nearby tear to loop back to the Second Floor right away. The Sadness key is located in the top right desk of the classroom, which is accessed through the right door from the main room of the Second Floor. Grab the Sadness Key, then either loop forwards to the Third Floor or redo the Second Floor. Now repeat the above steps and unlock the door behind the tears. Continuing from that door leads to a restroom that can trigger a cutscene. Enter the right door and follow the corridor to reach a room with an unbroken statue of the Change god. Inspect it to get the KeyKnife, this will also teleport the whole party back to the main room. Use the KeyKnife on the "thread" blocking the door and enter.


The boss has six hands, two of each craft type. Destroying a hand will lower the main head's resistance to the specific craft type.

The King

The King waits for one turn and then unleashes an attack that does 99999 damage to everyone. Looping back to Dormont, talking to Mirabelle or Loop gives you a hint that you should look for a way to craft a shield. Talking to the librarian in Dormont and asking about shield crafts prompts him to tell you about a secret library in the Second Floor of The House. Either loop there right away or go through The House again. The library is located on the left side of the floor, where the second key was located. Interacting with a sparkling part of the wall uncovers the secret library through a corridor. Inspecting the far right bookshelf lets Mirabelle learn the "Lovely Moving Shield" craft and remind her of the CARROT method (from now on, mentioning this in Dormont makes her learn the craft right away). Loop back to fight the king again.

King Fight... Again

Use Mirabelle's "Lovely Moving Shield" on the first turn to survive The King's first attack. Continue to fight him as normal, Paper crafts and jackpots are crucial due to his Rock craft. The King summons tears when he hits around half health, which soak up damage. Target them and get rid of them as fast as possible. The bomb crafted from all three ingredients one shots these tears, but is not needed to complete the fight. Use Mirabelle's "Lovely Moving Shield" again once it's off cooldown during The King's "wait" turn to survive The King's second big attack. One The King reaches about 1/10 health, the party finishes him off. After the fight, head up through the halls and into the final room. Talk to everyone else first, then speak to the Head Housemaiden.


New Items


Optional Events


Icon Name Description Requirements
Achievement Intermission.jpg Intermission Die against the King. Be defeated by the King for the first time.
Achievement Curtains.jpg Curtains! Beat the King. Beat the King for the first time.
Achievement Encore.jpg Encore! Hidden. Get to the end. Finish Act 2.

Changes to ACT 1


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ACT 2.
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