Bad Touch Event

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The Bad Touch Event (as it is called by the community), refers to an optional event available in ACT 3 and ACT 4 of In Stars and Time. It awards Memory of Touch and the Bad Touch achievement. Furthermore, it unlocks additional dialogue for Isabeau in ACT 6.


Throughout the loops, Siffrin notices that Isabeau keeps doing a weird hand gesture after their usual joke in front of the Favor Tree. When Siffrin asks him about it, Isabeau explains that he was about to tap their shoulder, but quickly stopped when he remembered that they supposedly do not like being touched. This upsets Siffrin, who is actually touch-starved, but too embarrassed to resolve the misunderstanding.

After spending several additional loops waiting for Isabeau to touch him, Siffrin grows frustrated and realizes that Isabeau will never willingly touch him unless they initiate it themself, so they grab him by the collar and kiss him. Isabeau is shocked by Siffrin’s unexpected move and pushes him away. Siffrin takes the rejection as a sign that Isabeau hates him and loops back to the moment before the conversation started, staying far away from Isabeau to prevent him from ever trying to touch their shoulder again.



  • Talk to Isabeau in front of the Favor Tree four separate times (in any ACT).
  • Talk to Isabeau in front of the Favor Tree and choose the "What’s up with the hand thing?" dialogue option.
  • Talk to Isabeau in front of the Favor tree four more times (in any ACT).
  • Enter ACT 3.
  • Finish the Confession Event.
  • Talk to Isabeau in front of the Favor Tree and choose the "(...)" dialogue option instead of "(Keep waiting.)".
  • Talk to Loop under the Favor Tree.

Dialogue changes

Throughout the loops, the beginning of Isabeau’s dialogue will change as Siffrin starts to notice his hesitation when trying to touch them. The changes are as follow:

  • First time: "(Laughing uproariously, he raises his hand towards your shoulder…)" "(... but stops and brings it to his side.)".
  • Second time: "(Laughing uproariously, he raises his hand towards your shoulder…)" "(... but stops and brings it to his side.)" "(Didn’t he do this before? What a weird gesture.)".
  • Third time: "(Laughing uproariously, he raises his hand towards your shoulder…)" "(... but stops and brings it to his side.)" "(What’s up with the hand???)".
  • Fourth time: "(Laughing uproariously, he raises his hand towards your shoulder…)" "(... but stops and brings it to his side.)" "(Okay he did the hand thing again. You’re too curious. You’ll have to ask later.)".
    • Once this dialogue has been reached, the player can ask the question "What’s up with the hand thing?" when talking to Isabeau.
  • Fourth time (repeat): "(Laughing uproariously, he raises his hand towards your shoulder…)" "(... but stops and brings it to his side.)" "(You need to ask!!!)".
    • This dialogue will repeat until the player asks the question "What’s up with the hand thing?" when talking to Isabeau.
  • Fifth time: "(Laughing uproariously, he raises his hand towards your shoulder…)" "(You get it now.)" "(This is him trying to touch you.)" "(You freeze.)" "(His hand is in the air.)" "(And goes closer… Closer…)" "(His hand abruptly stops above your shoulder, and goes back to his side.)".
  • Sixth time: "(You watch his hand get closer to you again.)" "(Maybe this time...)" "(Closer… Closer…)" "(His hand abruptly stops above your shoulder, and goes back to his side.)".
  • Seventh time: "(You wait for him to touch you.)" "(He has to do it. You never will do it yourself.)" "(But he won’t touch you because he thinks you don’t want him to.)" "(And you can’t say it. Because. That’s embarrassing.)" "(That’s life-ending, even. Asking for someone’s touch.)" "(But please, you think. Please, please, please.)" "(A flicker of movement makes you look at his face.)" "(He looks stricken. Sad.)" "(Seeing you look at him, he laughs and brings his hand down.)" "(You wonder what face you were making as you were waiting for him to touch you…)".
  • Eighth time (Confession Event not finished): "(You wait for him to touch you.)" "(His hand stops above your shoulder.)" "(Is it fun to go back here? To keep torturing yourself?)".
  • Eighth time (Confession Event finished): "(You wait for him to touch you.)" "(Why do you have to wait? Why do you have to wait? Why do you have to wait?)".
    • This dialogue will repeat until the player chooses the "(...)" dialogue option instead of "(Keep waiting.)".



GAMEICON 151.png Memory of Touch

Description: You had eyes bigger than your stomach. Disgusting, disgusting, disgusting. [-50 to all stats.]

Memory of Touch is a memory that can be equipped by Siffrin. It decreases all of his main stats (Attack, Defense, Atk. Speed and Luck) by 50. This is one of the only memories that decreases a character’s stats, a trait shared with Memory of Fishing.

Unlike most memories, Loop does not describe its effects, and it simply appears in the player's inventory. This trait is also shared with Memory of A Secret, Memory of Ghosts, Memory of Emptiness and Memory of A Journey.


Bad Touch is the achievement awarded for the event above. Internal files refer to it as "isaquest_kiss".

It activates after talking to Loop under the Favor Tree when the cutscene with Isabeau is finished.


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