Death Corridor

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The Death Corridor room.

The Death Corridor is a room in Floor 1 of the House. It is the room where Siffrin discovers that they are in a time loop.


Act 1

The first time Siffrin and his party enters the Death Corridor, Mirabelle says that she is nervous, and that the Head Housemaiden warned her about it. Siffrin's party encourages him while he searches for traps. After checking each pillar and reassuring the party that there are no switches or traps, he announces to the party that they're safe to continue, and promptly gets crushed by a huge rock. At this point, Siffrin discovers that he is able to loop back in time.

Act 2

The second time Siffrin and his party enters the room, Siffrin locates a switch on the middle-right pillar. When he pulls it, the same huge rock falls to the ground and startles everybody. They are then able to continue on safely.


The Death Corridor has no items to pick up.


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