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The party fighting against a Sadness.

Sadnesses are the main enemies of START AGAIN: a prologue and In Stars and Time.


Sadnesses come in a variety of shapes and designs, ranging from big to small, or from humanoid to more abstract and/or object-like. The only common point they share is being surrounded by Tears.

Sadnesses are physical manifestations of intense negative emotions.[1]. They mostly embody grief and sadness, and most are unable to differentiate between friend and foe anymore[2] — although they can sometimes be seen fighting in groups.

They attack everything they see[3], and can reappear once defeated[4]. Sadnesses have existed throughout history, with some being harmless, but wars or times of great trouble make them more frequent.[5]


Sadnesses can use any Craft type. One's type can usually be determined by looking at their hand(s), although some of them have the ability to hide or even change it during battle.

List of Sadnesses

Name Image Craft type
Tristesse ENEMY basicS.png Scissors
Tristesse ENEMY basicR.png Rock
Tristesse ENEMY basic.png Paper
Peine Peine.png Scissors
Dépit Depit.png Rock
Chagrin Chagrin.png Paper
Rancoeur and Amertume TROOP 7.png Scissors (Rancoeur)
Rock (Amertume)
Détresse ENEMY goombaS.png Scissors
Détresse ENEMY goombaR.png Rock
Détresse ENEMY goombaP.png Paper
Angoisse ENEMY shielder.png Rock
Deuil ENEMY shieldee.png Paper
Anxiété ENEMY bomb.png Rock
Misère ENEMY tank.png Scissors
Misère ENEMY tankrock.png Rock
Misère ENEMY tankpaper.png Paper
Tourment TROOP 18.png Paper
Désespoir ENEMY exp.png Paper
Calamité Calamite.png Paper
Accablement and Abattement TROOP 25.png Rock (Accablement)
Paper (Abattement)
Bourdon TROOP 26.png Paper
Nostalgie Nostalgie.png Paper (Floor 1)
Scissors (Floor 2)
Rock (Floor 3)
Mal du Pays ENEMY maldupays.png None


show/hide references

  1. "I: M'dame Odile uses big words to mean that they're, like, feelings of people. Like sadness!" "M: I'm sad to fight them, but I'm glad we're not actually fighting real people." -
  2. "Remnants of the people that were defeated by the King... Their grief and sadness is all that remains. They cannot tell friend from foe anymore. Defeating them is all we can do..." - Odile inspecting a Tristesse in In Stars and Time
  3. "But right now, it's so empty and inert... And Sadnesses have taken over, and they'll be trying to defeat us, no matter the cost... All because of the King." - Mirabelle in In Stars and Time DEMO
  4. "They still ARE attacking us, you know. If it makes you feel better, even if we break the remnants apart, they'll come back together eventually. And happily kill us with no remorse." - Odile, when examining Regret and Sorrow from START AGAIN: a prologue
  5. "they've always existed even as just harmless blobs. obviously wars or times of great trouble makes them more frequent" - insertdisc5, in 'I'm insertdisc5, developer of turn-based timeloop RPG "In Stars and Time"! AMA!'"
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