Promise Event

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The Promise Event (as it is called by the community), refers to an optional event available from ACT 2 to ACT 4 of In Stars and Time. It awards Memory of Promise and the Stupid rotten adults!!! achievement. Furthermore, it unlocks additional dialogue for Bonnie in ACT 6.


While investigating the poem room on the third floor of the House, Siffrin notices that Bonnie is intently reading a book with a Mwudu clay figurine on the cover, but they do not want him to see what it is. On another loop, Siffrin finds the same book on the first floor and learns that the book is called "Life To Ashes: Death Rituals From Around The World".

During the second break, while Bonnie is busy preparing snacks, the party talks about how they want their bodies to be cared for if they happen to die when fighting the King. Siffrin notices that Bonnie is actually listening to the conversation and confronts them. Bonnie snaps, saying that they do not want to think about the others dying and that they are all stupid for even talking about it. Siffrin tries to comfort them by patting their head, but Bonnie slaps his hand away and says that they hate him. This causes Siffrin to loop back to the moment before the conversation happened.

On another loop, Siffrin finally finds the courage to talk to Bonnie again. He says that adults are stupid for always expecting the worst and promises to protect everyone at all costs. Bonnie is calmed down by his words and also promises to protect the others.



  • On Floor 3, go to the poem room (eastern corridor, next to the mirror room) and interact with the book.
  • On Floor 1, go to the dining room (eastern corridor, next to the storage room) and interact with the books.
  • During the second snack break, talk to Bonnie twice on two separate loops.



GAMEICON 150.png Memory of Promise

Description: Bonnie won’t let anything happen to you. [Bonnie is more likely to buff everyone.]

Memory of Promise is a memory that can be equipped by Bonnie. It increases the probability of Bonnie buffing the party during combat.


Stupid rotten adults!!! is the achievement awarded for the event above. Internal files refer to it as "bonniequest_listen".

It activates after talking to Bonnie a second time.


  • The achievement name "Stupid rotten adults!!!" may come from Persona 5, a game which frequently uses the phrase "rotten adults". This led to the phrase gaining significant notoriety for its awkward sound in English.


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