Tutorial Kid

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Agathe, or the Tutorial Kid, is a character from In Stars and Time. She is placed at the north exit of the central plaza of Dormont.



Tutorial Kid has tan skin with some freckles on her face, and dark eyes with no sclera. She has ruffled brown hair, tied up into pigtails that point upwards. They wear a white tunic shirt, black shorts, and black shoes with white laces.



Act 1

Act 2

Act 3

Act 4

Act 5

Act 6

Tutorial Kid can be found near the bridge, deciding to hang out with the other kids hanging out on the rock.


ENEMY tutokid.png
Craft Type None
Health 300 Attack 10
Defense 10 Attack Speed 60
Luck 10 Experience 0

Anytime before the start of Act 5, combat with the Tutorial Kid can be triggered by talking with her and agreeing to a Rock Paper Scissors challenge. During this particular encounter, Siffrin will be the only party member, and battle options for "Attack", "Guard", and "Pockets" are turned off completely. Siffrin's "Craft" menu is also swapped to a set of skills unique to this encounter:

Name Description
Special rock.png Rock You make a fist and present it for perusal.
Special paper.png Paper You make a flat hand and present it for perusal.
Special scissors.png Scissors You make a victory sign and present it for perusal.

Every turn is, in essence, a single round of Rock Paper Scissors against the Tutorial Kid: Once one of the 3 skill options is picked, Siffrin and the Tutorial Kid both throw out their chosen hand signs. The Tutorial Kid will then react differently according to whether they win, lose, or tie with Siffrin. The encounter ends automatically after 3 turns, regardless of the results of each round.

The Tutorial Kid will always throw, in order: Paper, Rock, and Scissors. Hence, a perfect winning sequence of moves would be, in order: Scissors, Paper, and Rock.

After the encounter, the Tutorial Kid may grant healing items and has different dialogue depending on how well you perform against them:

Results Dialogue Reward
3 wins "NGH...!!! You won every round... How could this... happen..."
(Tutorial Kid puts one knee to the ground, clearly acting as if they're wounded.)
"I can do nothing but... accept my defeat."
"Anyway here's your reward!"
x5 Sour Tonic
x3 Super Sour Tonic
x1 Super Sweet Tonic
2 wins OR 1 win & 2 draws "According to the laws of this village... You have won the Rock Paper Scissors game."
"This was an intense battle... Thank you for fighting with me."
x1 Sweet Tonic
3 draws OR 1 win, 1 loss, & 1 draw "No!!! This can't be... A DRAW?!?"
"...You're quite powerful, hat adult. I'll give you that."
Any other result "Wow I really kicked your butt."
"How does it feel to be beaten at Rock Paper Scissors by a little kid?"
"Mwahaha... MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"


  • Tutorial Kid is 132 cm, or approx. 4'4[2].


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