Accablement & Abattement

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Accablement and Abattement are a group of Sadnesses in In Stars and Time.



At the beginning of the battle

Bonnie: Two of them!!!
Mirabelle: The long-haired one looks enamored with the other... It looks like it wants to protect the short-haired one more than it wants to attack us.
Isabeau: Ah, young love.
Odile: We could go for the one that doesn't attack, or the one that does... It's up to you, Siffrin.

After Accablement disappears

Isabeau: With its drying breath, it protected its partner...
Bonnie: And now it's dead.
Bonnie: ...
Odile: Hm. And how does that make you feel, Bonnie?
Isabeau: Hey, m'dame...
Bonnie: ...
Bonnie: Stupid.
Odile: It makes you feel stupid?
Bonnie: No! I mean the SADNESS is stupid.
Bonnie: We're gonna beat the other one now. It should've protected itself, and not another Sadness.
Bonnie: It's stupid for protecting the other one.
Bonnie: And the one who's being protected is stupid too!
Isabeau: ...
Odile: ...
Narration: (...?)
Narration: (Odile roughly ruffles Bonnie's hair.)
Bonnie: Mrmp.
Odile: Stop worrying about it.
Odile: Let's keep fighting, everyone.


Accablement is a humanoid-looking Sadness without legs cut in two with only its right side remaining, revealing its inside is a dark grey surface with a bit of grey at its core, over which various light grey and mostly horizontal lines run. It has long hair and its single eye is open, looking up. It holds a rock hand over its chest. Around its head float triangles of varying sizes.

Abattement is a humanoid-looking Sadness which is seemingly the literal other half of Accablement, as it lacks its right side of the body. Its inside is the same as Accablement, having only one light grey line less. It has short hair and its eye is closed, with a black tear falling from it. It holds its paper hand flat against its chest. Around its head float squares of varying sizes.



ENEMY midboss2A.png
Craft Type Special rock.png Rock
Health 3500 Attack 150
Defense 120 Attack Speed 165
Luck 10 Experience 3500

ENEMY midboss2B.png
Craft Type Special paper.png Paper
Health 3500 Attack 155
Defense 120 Attack Speed 175
Luck 10 Experience 3500



Only Abattement is capable of attacking the player during the battle, with Accablement healing it every few turns. Due to its Paper typing, is it easier to hit Abattement with more attacks, as everyone in the party except Isabeau has access to Scissor attacks.
If the player gets Abattement to a sufficiently low HP, it will sacrifice Accablement to partially heal its HP. Due to this, it is better to target Abattement with Scissor attacks and not waste turns on damaging Accablement.




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