Change God Event

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The Change God Event (as it is called by the community), refers to an optional event available in ACT 3 and ACT 4 of In Stars and Time. It awards Memory of Change God and the but then who was phone??? achievement. Furthermore, it unlocks additional dialogue for Mirabelle in ACT 6.


When exploring the third floor of the House, the party finds a Change God statue that hasn’t been destroyed by the King and makes fun of its strange proportions and face. Mirabelle admits that she was the one who crafted it.

Siffrin realizes that he does not know that much about the Change God, so he examines the Change God statues throughout the House. Seeing Siffrin’s curiosity for the Change belief, Mirabelle tells them that all of the Change God statues are unique and customized by their crafter to establish a link between them and the Change God. She also claims that some people have managed to communicate with the Change God through their statue, but the others do not believe her.

When they go back to the intact Change God statue, Siffrin asks Mirabelle to touch it. Both of them are suddenly teleported in a darkless location, where they are greeted by the Change God themself. They reassure Mirabelle by telling her that they will always be at her side and that she can accomplish anything if she believes it hard enough. They hastily beam her away, leaving Siffrin alone with them. They admit they are aware of Siffrin’s predicament and that watching him go through the same events again and again brings them immense enjoyment, despite the time loop being an anathema to their very nature. Before Siffrin can ask more, he is teleported back to the shrine.

Mirabelle does not remember anything about the encounter, but she knows that it was something incredible. Siffrin remembers.



  • Enter ACT 3.
  • After getting the KeyKnife in the shrine room on Floor 3, return to the shrine room and interact with the intact Change God statue.
  • Interact with five different Change God statues in a single loop.
  • Complete Mirabelle's Friendquest.
  • Return to the shrine room and interact with the intact Change God Statue.



GAMEICON 154.png Memory of Change God

Description: Mirabelle doesn’t remember them, but she still feels them. [Auto Adorable Moving Shield at the start of battle.]

Memory of Change God is a memory that can be equipped by Mirabelle. It automatically activates Adorable Moving Shield at the start of every battle, which boosts Defense and prevents all allies from being frozen in time or slowed.


but then who was phone??? is the achievement awarded for the event above. Internal files refer to it as "miraquest_changegod".

It activates after talking with the Change God statue in the shrine room.


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