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Tourment is the name of three types of Sadnesses in In Stars and Time. They always appear in a knot of three. Because all three are tangled together, their health and action bars are invisible.



Odile: What a mess... I can't tell which is which.
Mirabelle: I can't tell when they'll attack, either!
Isabeau: Or how much health they've got left…
Odile: So annoying. Alright everyone, let's untangle this one.
Isabeau: With extreme prejudice, m'dame?
Odile: How else.
(You can't see it's health, or when it'll attack.)
(But you can see them. You just need to aim.)


All three variations of Tourments consist of an oval shaped head and a long, tube-shaped striped body ending in a hand of their respective Craft types.

Its Rock variant has a light grey head with light eyebrows, and a dark grey pointed oval head crest. Its eyes are wide open and fat tears run down its cheeks. At the end of its thin body is a dark grey hand shaped into a fist, held up to the viewer's left of its head.

The Paper variant has a dark grey head with a white, rectangular head crest. Its crying eyes are tightly closed and its head is pointed downard to the right. Unlike the Rock variant, the Paper variant's body has no jagged turns, only rounded loops ending in a flat hand.

Lastly, the Scissors variant has a white head with a light grey, drop-shaped head crest. Its eyes are scrunched shut. The Scissor variant's long body twists multiple times in the center, and ends in a dark grey hand forming the scissors sign opposite its head.

Together, the three variants of Tourment resemble a large knot, making it nearly impossible to tell where one ends and the other begins.



ENEMY knotR.png
Craft Type Special rock.png Rock
Health 800 Attack 120
Defense 100 Attack Speed 185
Luck 150 Experience 200

ENEMY knotP.png
Craft Type Special paper.png Paper
Health 800 Attack 120
Defense 100 Attack Speed 165
Luck 150 Experience 200

ENEMY knotS.png
Craft Type Special scissors.png Scissor
Health 800 Attack 120
Defense 100 Attack Speed 145
Luck 150 Experience 250



TOURMENT attacks!
Effect: Rock attack against a single ally. Calculation: Attack x 2.5 - Defense
Deviation: 20%

[Rock (All)]
TOURMENT strikes wildly!
Effect: Rock attack against all allies.
Calculation: Attack x 2 - Defense
Deviation: 20%
Condition: Below 50% HP


Tourment attacks!
Effect: Paper attack against a single ally.
Calculation: Attack x 2.5 - Defense
Deviation: 20%

[Paper (All)]
TOURMENT strikes wildly!
Effect: Paper attack against all allies.
Calculation: Attack x 2 - Defense
Deviation: 20%


TOURMENT attacks!
Effect: Scissors attack against a single ally.
Calculation: Attack x 2.5 - Defense
Deviation: 20%

[Scissors (All)]
TOURMENT strikes wildly!
Effect: Scissors attack against all allies.
Calculation: Attack x 2 - Defense
Deviation: 20%
Condition: Below 50% HP


Though the game says it is difficult to figure out which Tourment ends where, when attacking one, the selected Tourment flashes lightly, thus revealing its hand.

Because two party members are weak to Rock Craft, it is advisable to defeat the Rock type Tourment first, since it can deal the most severe damage. It is also the fastest of the three, meaning it has the most opportunities to hit hard. Tourment as a whole can also be quickly dealt with using multi-target attacks such as Mirabelle's Artsy Silent Burst or Isabeau's KABOOM!!!.

In ACT 4, one of the most efficient ways to defeat Tourment is to start with Siffrin's (Just attack.) and then pick off the remaining Tourment with subsequent characters. The Rock type Tourment is most likely to survive Siffrin, but Mirabelle's Artsy Silent Burst should suffice to defeat it.


  • "Tourment" is the French word for "agony".[1]



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  1. "Tourment" on Retrieved on January 19, 2024.
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